Chapter 10

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Third person view

In the End in the other dimension…

Aldora stands on top of a tower, overlooking the entire city.

In the corner of her eye, she notices something not far from the city. She tries to make out what or who it is, until she notices they are glowing red.


She jumps out of the tower, holding onto a pillar as she slides down. As she touches the ground, she immediately darts towards the Ender castle.


Senn's (OD) p.o.v

We look up, and see a city. That must be where everyone who's been here has been living.

' Attack the city,' Relina says, ' Leave zero survivors.'


Third person view

Aldora bursts into the room, out of breath from running.

' What is it, Aldora?' Amethyst asks.

' The Voltaris… They're here!'

Amethyst shoots Pythus a concerned look, ' The Prime Song.'

' We have to get everyone out of the End first,' Pythus says, ' I'll get the Prime Song.'

Amethyst and Aldora dash out of the room, Pythus heading further into the castle.

Amethyst passes by some Endermen,
' Half of you help evacuate the city! The rest of you, help us delay them as much as possible!'


The Voltaris have reached the outskirts of the city, massacring countless Ardoni, Felinas…

Some Endermen teleport towards the citizens, grabbing them and teleporting away.

Other Endermen teleport towards the Voltaris, fighting them off, but most of the Endermen are killed.

Two Endermen teleport there, together with Aldora and Amethyst.

Aldora draws out her diamond enchanted sword. Amethyst draws out her Enderblade, which begins glowing purple as she unsheathes it.


Nalla's p.o.v

' Proceed with caution,' one of the lead warriors on this attack, a Nestoris tells us.

We hike up the mountain, passing by the Walls of Time. A part of the group breaks off, going into the Walls of Time. Me and Elion were part of the group that went to the camp that should be further up the mountain.

As we approach the camp, we see many tents, along with some supplies, but no one was there.

The Nestoris picks up a fallen sword.
He then turns towards a torch, which is burnt out. He walks up to it, examining it, ' They're long gone.'

Just as we're prepared to leave, someone shouts, ' Look out!'


Amora's p.o.v

We approach the hallway, the group splitting up to search different parts of the place. Me, Argus, Allen and Kyan were at the library. It was full of books.

' Where are the Glacians? I have not seen a single one of them,' Argus tells them.

' Maybe they're on a break or something,' Allen says.

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