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Your P.O.V.

A few days have passed since I last talked to Megan. I did sign those release papers at the office the next day though but she wasn't there. I figured.

I was taking a drive around the city, trying to waste time when a police car came out of nowhere and rang its sirens behind me.

"I'm not in the mood," I whispered, slowly pulling to the side of the road.

I parked the car and scrolled the window down, waiting for the officer to come to my car.

Instead, I saw 4 police officers hop out that one car. Great, more shit to deal with.

I stayed silent until one of the officers came to my window. He took off his shades and his face looked sort of familiar, "Y/N, you dirty motherfucker!" He exclaimed in a happy tone, "How have you been man? It's been a while,"

I looked at this white man like he was crazy, "Am I suppose to know you?"

He chuckled as he took a step back from my car door, "You should but I can't jog your memory right now," then he gestured for me to come out of the car, "I'm gonna need you to exit the vehicle Y/N."

I looked at the three other officers who had their hands on their waist belts and sighed as I got out of my car.

"Just make sure my car stays in one piece," I told the officers as I walked towards the police car.

The guy who claims to know me stopped me from entering it, "You're not riding with us buddy," He pointed to a black SUV that pulled up behind us, "That's your ride,"

I was escorted to the SUV by another officer who tried to shove me inside the vehicle but it failed because I weighed more than him. Dumbass.

After he closed the door, I surveyed by surrounding but was met with someone clearing their throat.

I looked at the man who sat across from me. Looked like he's in his late 40s. He's married by the ring indicated on his ring finger and he has an earpiece in his right ear. Great, an agent is next to me.

"I must be pretty special for a private agent to be sent out to get me. I think I deserve a cookie," I chuckled out, folding my arms as I sat comfortably in the seat.

He didn't seem too amused though as his expressed stayed the same, "My employer demands that her package be delivered to her unharmed. That is all,"

"And your employer is?" I asked.

"You already know her," He answered then the agent checked his watch, "We've arrived."

Just as he said that, the vehicle stopped and we were outside the police station.

"I expected a more discreet place," I stated as he pulled me out of the car with him.

The agent didn't reply as we walked through the building to get to the restricted area.

He led me through a door that had the word Owl inscribed on it. Fuck.

Pushing me inside, the agent muttered, "I hope you survive her terror. Just for your sake," Then he closed the door and a click was heard after that.

I shook my head and sat down in the chair that was next to the wooden table.

Now what does Veronica want from me this time? I knew she wouldn't be far from the last time she got in contact with me.

This may be a desperate move on her part.

The movement of the door got me out of my thoughts as the woman who physically haunted me threw a smirk at me.

Private Agent (Megan Thee Stallion x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now