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Vladimir James Smith's Point Of View (P.O.V)

I was having one of those nightmares again that usually ruin my whole day when my alarm clock started ringing and having those annoying sounds filtering through my room had me rushing out of the bed and walking towards my alarm clock and closing it shut so those hideous sounds would not be able to reach my ears anymore. I did like waking up but I had those days where I just wish I stay in bed all day and it seemed today was going to be that day.

On the bright side I did not have to suffer through another nightmare and I was still alive so that is good I guess. It was six in the morning. I did what I always do when the land starts waking up from their rest and get busy to do what they do.

I went to my bathroom and started brushing my teeth after I was done with that I looked at my self in the mirror. My red hair that usually went right past my shoulders was in a messy bun atop my head and my blue eyes just stared back at me. I had pale skin even though i'am in the Sun a lot kinda creepy that my skin just stays that pale even though i'am best friends with the Sun.

I have muscles but i'm not a meathead that got all the muscles from bodybuilding drugs and protein shakes. I like to work out it helps a lot with burning my energy and that is also the reason why i'am on the American football team. I do not know why it is called football when there is no kicking the ball or anything, but I don't care about that all I care about is playing the sport. I also am quite tall.

After looking at myself in the mirror I went to bath and after I was done bathing I went to the closet and picked my clothes for the day. I chose black skinny jeans and a maroon t-shirt with my black knee high boots and styled my hair in a pony tail. I also really like rings so I always wear a ring on any of my fingers except my ring finger I don't want anyone to think I am married or something. Today I wore a ring on my thumb.

It was six fifty-five by the time I was ready and heading downstairs with my school bag in one hand while my sports bag was in the other hand. None of my family members was downstairs right now, but they probably will be there in like ten-fifteen minutes.

My younger brother Ivan and I were going to eat breakfast at a diner today with our friends. We usually don't eat out but Monday's are an exception and we usually eat out in the morning's on Mondays but only on Mondays.

Fifteen minutes later my eldest sister Arya and my younger brother were downstairs. My eldest sister Arya is the tallest in our family standing at "6'9" that is also the reason we sometimes refer to her as giantess but she doesn't really mind and thinks it's kinda cute that we refer to her as Miss Giantess. And I am right next to her in height.

"Good morning miss giantess, had a good night?" I greeted her and questioned her to.

"Yes prince, I had a good night." She replied back and Ivan burst out laughing at the return of the nickname. Arya calls me prince because once l had said that l wanted to be called Prince and I actually liked being called that and then she stopped calling me that because I didn't want my friends to know about it but now I don't really care anymore. So I just gave a smile to her and looked towards my younger brother.

"Ivan, our friends are going to be here any minute now to pick us up. Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yes Vladimir, I am ready." Ivan replied to my earlier question and shoved me towards the door hearing the door bell ring and knowing that it was our friends and school mates.

We both rushed towards the door and I opened it and handed both bags to Kai our friend while Ivan scowled seeing how I just handed my bags to Kai without even greeting him, but he should be used to this I always handed my bags over to Kai since we became friends and that was when we all were thirteen and now we are all eighteen years old and seniors in high school.

Kai did not even flinch or anything when I handed over the bags to him probably already used to it. We all walked to the jeep and I sat shotgun like always. Alexander was in the drivers seat cause it was his vehicle and Kai and Ivan sat in the back after they had put the bags in the trunk.

Our other friends Derek, Viviane and Lillian are probably going to travel there in Vivianes car.

"Good morning everyone." Alexander the usually cold and distant male said, greeting us. He only talks to us and cares about me our friends and himself only. You could say that I was his top priority and he was second in his priority and then came Ivan at third with our friends there. I don't really know why he cares so much about me well that is for him to know I guess.

I tried to convince him that he should be his top priority and not me but that man will not budge.

When we reached the diner we went to our usual table and our other friends were already there not surprised at that Lillian always likes to be early even by a minute. We sat how we usually sit. Kai, Ivan, Alexander and I on one side while Viviane, Derek and Lillian sat on the other side. We ordered our food and started conversing with each other.

"Had a night mare again." Viviane questioned me.

"Yeah, but they were not as bad as they get today. I woke up before it got to much." I replied with honesty to her question.

"Hey uhh guys you heard about more new people coming in to the town. We had like five thousand people move here in the last two weeks and from what I have heard there is more people moving here today. Does any of you know why they are moving here." Lillian started a new conversation cause that conversation has seventy percent chance of it ending badly.

"Oh I know about that I think they are moving here because they had trouble with people where they stayed earlier. So their whole community moved here. You all know about the land that was purchased a year ago they build their buildings and houses there from what I know." Kai relied the information he had about the matter to us.

"I think the teenagers are going to be in our school, that could be the the reason they made a bigger school." Viviane said.

The waitress was here to give us our food so we stopped conversing about that matter.


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Hey guys this your author here.
First chapter down and many more to go.
Hope you are liking the story so far.
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Start : Wednesday 9 December 2020

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