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Luther Kendrick Knights Point Of View (P.O.V)

Ten days later.

I was bending over the toilet puking my guts out while Vladimir was patting my back.

This is the worst I was finally getting some and I had to puke my guts out. This had been going on for a few days now and it was annoying. I have already went to the doctor and he told me I just had a stomach bug.

After I finished puking Vladimir helped me to the sink and I washed my mouth and brushed. Vladimir also did his morning routine while telling me I should go to the doctor again.

I got dressed in one of Vladimirs shirts and put on booty denim shorts. I was going to hang out with all the other submissives while Vladimir and the other dominants were going to hangout with each other after the morning training. We all had bonded together very well. It was expected because submissives become greater friends with each other then with dominants. But there is special times where a dominant and submissive become extremely good friends. Though that only happens if the dominant is a protector of the submissive.

When Vladimir left i sat down on the couch and started thinking if I could be pregnant. The book grandpapa has made for me had the topic of male pregnancy. I have only read two topics and the male pregnancy was second. I will find out today.

I heard the door bell ring of my new home. We had changed to the alpha house a few days ago. I walked to the door and pulled it open. And saw Ivan, Kai, Killian, Fiona, Viviane, Derek, Meera and my papa Isaiah and Kais dad, Rayne was here too. I let them in my house and walked towards the drawing room and sat down while looking at the bag that had pregnancy tests in it.

"So any of you found out why we are sick?" Rayne asked looking around us. Killian was the only one that was not sick so he did not look like shit unlike us.

I looked at everyone and saw that they all were wearing their mates clothes.

"I have a knack on what it might be." I say and they all look at me expectantly.

"What is it?" Viviane and Fiona said at the same time and then looked at each other and laughed. After their laughter died down I started again.

"I might sound crazy but I am sure that I'm right." I say and looked at them all with a serious voice.

"Spit it out Luther. You are starting to get me nervous." My papa said while looking at me.

"I am sure we are pregnant." I say and Fiona places her hand on my head looking worried.

"Is this sickness starting to affect you mentally?" She says worriedly and I shake my head while removing her hand from my head and looking at her annoyed.

"No. It is not affecting me mentally." I say getting even more annoyed at her for asking me a question like that.

"Sorry. But how are we going to see if we are actually pregnant?" She apologized and then asked me.

"Simple we are going to use pregnancy tests." I say walking over to the bag and picking it up.

"First we will use these small and cheap pregnancy tests." I say taking out the pregnancy tests and start handing out one box to each of them except for Killian and keeping one for myself.

"Then we will try these ones." I say and give them the one that will tell us when we conceived the child.

"Okay let's do this." Kai says then heads to the downstairs bathroom to pee on the stick.

We all one by one go in and then after everyone is done we put our pregnancy tests upside down and I set a timer of five minutes for the cheaper one and ten minutes for the expensive one.

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