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Vladimir James Smith's Point Of View (P.O.V)

It had been seventeen days since the full moon and I had no idea where Luther was. I don't know how he is doing. I do know that he is alive and safe cause I feel it through the bond.

The war was rising and it was now worse then before. Just three days ago we had a small attack. It was not big but it still affected us. Zen was sighted in town at a therapists office. We knew that Zen was not behind all the attacks. So he was now announced as not a threat. We did not involve ourselves with him and he didn't care about us.

I had started the training of the warriors and they all were doing good. I had afew warriors from the Greek pantheon and the demons of Hell helping us. They were all being trained under me. We also started training harder in weaponry.

The thing with the witches, wizards and warlocks was also being dealt with. I had a meeting with them five days ago and they recognized me as their king. Though at first none of them took it well. They refused to believe that they would now be ruled by one king.

They had started a fight in the meeting room and I had to order them to settle down. They really did not see eye to eye and it was getting difficult to deal with them being brats while there is a war going on.

I had to make them talk with each other and it gave me a headache cause they would start fighting every few minutes. They agreed to try to be on good terms and it was not going the best but it was getting somewhere.

But after they got on good terms we found a new enemy rising. The Kaine witches and the Zolio wizards. We got to know that they were the cause of the war between these three groups. We also found out that they were now joining their groups. We found out three days ago. When they attacked the blue moon pack.

It was a bad idea for them because Prometheus and Epimetheus the titan gods reside with them. They also attacked them without knowing how powerful they are and that was also dumb. Like atleast do a little research before you decide to attack.

The council was already formed and everything was set. But we were not open to the world just yet. I was making sure everything was going smoothly before I even think about making the council official. I had to go to the morning court everyday to see what was going on in the supernatural world. And it was all hard. Juggling so many things I was tired. I did not even have my position as king yet and I was tired.

Luther not being here might also be affecting me being tired. And right now I was leaving the morning court and I just found out that I am getting more things on my plate. I got to know that humans are finding out about supernaturals.

They were not only suspecious. They also had proof that supernaturals existed. The council also told me that they were not hating on us or saying that we are monsters. They are actually a little accepting. I was told that some human YouTubers had made videos talking about our existence and they only said good things. So they were not that big of a problem.

But they were trying to involve themselves in danger. They heard rumours about a war going on and are asking what the war is about. They are not supposed to poke their nose here or they will end up dragging themselves in. They do t belong in this war. We are also doing this to keep them safe. It ai like their the babies here and we are trying to protect them from the harsh world when they are fighting with each other.

They were starting to question supernaturals on the war and because they don't know the full truth they gave them an honest answer.

They told them they didn't know and the humans got even more into our business and are walking around asking questions. I know I have to address the situation and I also have to tell the supernaturals about why there is a war taking place.

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