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Luther Kendrick Knight's Point Of View (P.O.V)

It was the next day now and I had told Vladimir everything and he was very accepting of everything. I had also told him about the attack that had happened on me when we were going there.

I also remember how he reacted when I told him that we will be having triplets. He had jumped in joy. But then he grew solemn and asked how we would be able to give them attention when we will have so much work to do. And I convinced him that we will be alright but I was also unsure.

We were going to the doctor to do a sonogram and check up on me. And Vladimir was really nervous. His hand was sweaty in my hand.

"Vladimir calm down." I said and he looked at me and smiled brightly and I gave him a peck on the lips.

Soon we were in a hospital room with the pack doctor checking up on everything. And then she brought the sonogram machine in and told me to lift my shirt and applied the cold gell on my small belly bump. I was six weeks pregnant right now.

"Look there are your babies." She said and I looked up at the screen to see three little beans. I looked at Vladimir and saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"Let's hear the heartbeat." She says happily and then the beating of three little hearts is heard and I swear I could cry. I could feel Vladimirs grip on my hand tighten and I squeezed his hand back.

"You want pictures?" She asked and I nodded.

"Can we have six pictures." I say and she nods.

"Of course dear." She said and then handed me the pictures and I thanked her getting up off the bed after Vladimir wiped my belly clean with a paper towel.

"Everything is going good. But we are going to have to set another appointment cause you are carrying triplets and I am going to give you some vitamins. I will be right back with them." She said and walked out of the door to get them.

Vladimir hugged me. The moment she left and started kissing my neck.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for carrying my children in you." He says tearing up while smiling brightly.

"You don't have to thank me. These babies that I am carrying are mine too remember." I say and he chuckles.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I know and I love you too." I say and the doctor comes back and gives me the vitamins and we get going.

We are back at the house in no time. And we get to work. I settle on Vladimirs lap rather then being in my office and chair. And after some time Ralph comes knocking at the door. And I tell him to come in.

"Alpha we found a scroll outside the border." He puts the scroll down and steps back from the table. I look at it for awhile then sigh picking it up.

I open the scroll and see neat handwriting. The letter isn't that long but I can feel that whoever wrote this is not a good person. And I have a strong feeling that it is Kronos who wrote this letter.

Dear Vladimir and Luther.

I would like to say that I am quiet surprised that you were able to find out that Zenith is not the true enemy. I thought you guys weren't smart but you are.

I am writing this to tell you to prepare for battle. Fourteen days from now we will fight. The place the battle is going to be fought in is the land of Muzerian. The land where battles were fought long ago.

Prepare cause you are surely going to lose. I will kill you and take your powers with a smile on my face Vladimir. And for the child you freaks have made is going to be mine.

Yours truly Kronos.

Muzerian. I have heard about this place. It is said that Mistress soul resides there. It is a dangerous land filled with nothing but the stench of death. And I don't know exactly where it is. I have only heard small stories about it.

"What does it say?" Ralph asked looking at us.

"War. We will be going to war." Vladimir said looking up at him and his grip on my waist seems to tighten in protectiveness. I place my hand on his to comfort him.

"I really don't like this. We have a lot of people that are pregnant right now. And then there is some new people in town that we don't know who they are. What species they are. But they seem strong. And if they are our enemies then we are in trouble." Ralph said and I winced. I need to tell the pack and others about all the things. I may have told Vladimir but I haven't told anyone else. I should just tell them right now.

Right before I even start saying anything a knock is heard and I say come in. Zian enters with my crown in a glass box.

"Greetings empress." He said bowing his head and then walking to the desk and placing the glass box there.

"Zian." I say back while nodding in greeting and standing up from Vladimirs lap.

"I have been looking for you to tell you about the war. And to discuss our feeding plans." He said while I walked to the window to open it to let Koda in. He didn't come here with me yesterday cause he wanted to explore. The moment I opened the window he flew in going straight to where Ralph had sat down. Ralph tried getting away from him the moment he saw him.

"Get this thing away from me." He yelled but I payed no attention to the two.

"We can discuss all of it later. Right now I need to tell them about all this." I said standing and mind linking my friends to come and meet me in my home cause I wanna discuss something.

We all walk towards the drawing room with Koda and Zian following close. By the time we reach the drawing room the others are already there. Zian rushes to the love seat the moment we reach leaving room and sits down while pulling his rather cool looking phone out of his pocket. All my friends seem to stare at the warrior that is curled like a cat on the love seat. My parents and Vladimirs blood parents were here too.

"I want to talk about something important to you." I say while walking towards the couch and sitting down with Koda climbing in my lap.

"What is that?" Fiona jumped while pointing at Koda.

"It is a phoenix. I found him when I was in the enchanted forest." I say and they all just nod hesitantly.

"How was your trip to the forest?" Sarah asked, pulling Fiona back in her lap and placing her hands on her abdomen.

I start telling them everything and they all seem to not react that badly. After I finish telling them everything Zian looks at me.

"Are there any rogues here? I am really hungry." He says while looking at me.

"What do rogues have to do with you being hungry?" Viviane asked, looking at him like a cute puppy.

"I am asking so we can go hunt them and eat them." He deadpans. And all of the others look at him like he has gone crazy.

"You are joking right?" Fiona asked looking rather uncomfortable.

"Nope." Zian said getting back to playing on his phone.


{1308+ words}

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