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Vladimir James Smith's Point Of View (P.O.V)

The moment my eyes landed on him my heart started beating faster. He seemed to be looking right at me and suddenly I grew self-conscious. Was I looking good in what I was wearing and I shook my head the moment i had that thought. I always look good actually nobody should think they don't look beautiful or handsome cause every one is beautiful and handsome in their own way.

The male seemed to be a lot shorter then me but I knew he was tall. The male was a werewolf. He had white hair that looked as fluffy as clouds and I wondered what his hair would feel like in my hands. His steel grey eyes looked cold but deep in his eyes I could see that he wanted to life freely and enjoy life as much as he can before he meets his mate. I wanted those eyes too look at me in love and adoration in the near future. I think I have seen those eyes somewhere but I don't know where.

He had light skin and muscles that I wanted to feel them under my hands. I do know why I am having these thoughts, it is because he is my mate.

"Mr Smith and Mr Smith could you please go to your seats we have things we need to do."Mr Walsh said sounding a bit amused at how I was just staring at the new hot male. After he said that did I realize that I was just standing there like an idiot and that Ivan was also staring like an idiot at a male sitting close to, well if I was guessing correct my mate.

Ivan and I strided to our usual seat at the very back and I saw how Viviane had a knowing smirk on her face and I knew that at lunch Ivan and I will be teased about this incident.

"So where was I. When i got rudely interrupted. Oh yeah I asked the new students to introduce themselves so go ahead." Mr Walsh said.

"Hi my name is Fiona and I like wrestling." A "6'3" (190,5 centimetres) female said very hyped up about introducing herself for some unknown reason. I guess she had a little to much coffee this morning.

Another female that was around "6'5" (195,58 centimetres) tall introduced herself next "My name is Sarah." The female said in a bored voice like she did not want to be at school. Same girl same.

And then a male around "5'7" (170,18 centimetres) stood up and introduced himself. "Hi, My name is Killian." When Killian introduced himself Lillian perked up and checked him out head to toe. Then smiled like she just won herself a lottery. They are mates I can sense the bond.

Right after him a male around "6'7" (200,66 centimetres) stood up. "My name is Ralph." His cold voice said and I saw my friend Kai looking at him with captivation, but there was also fear in his eyes. I guess my friend, Kai also just found his mate.

I am a little worried about Kai because his mother Riley is homophobic. His mother is very homophobic and has ended up in the hospital many times because of it, but she just does not learn.

After that another male stood up to introduce himself he was around "6'7" (200,66 centimetres). "Hi,My name is Rylan Knight." I saw my brother Ivan looking at this male clearly Ivan just gained a crush on someone, but my dear brother does not know that he will end up with him, his mate.

And then last but not least the beautiful male stood up and I gotta say that he is short. He was probably "6'4" (193,04 centimetres) while I was checking his body out a very sexy voice broke the silence. "My name is Luther Kendrick Knight." I am sure that all the supernaturals could smell my arousal. His name suited him,Luther.

"Luther" I whispered softly, wanting to know how it would sound coming from my mouth.

Luther and his friends turned around to look at me and I flushed red. Remembering that they have supernatural hearing. I saw Luther smile while blushing and then he turn back around facing the chalk board.

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