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Vladimir James Smith's Point Of View (P.O.V)

I saw a three-year old running and then i saw the man that had kidnapped me snatch the child up and the child was screaming for his father's to save him. But the childs soul wrenching screams were not loud enough for his father's to hear him. The battle that was raging on just a few feet away from the scene happening was drowning out the child's screams for help. And was begging for mercy from the monster of a man that took away my childhood.

And then the setting charged. All I saw was darkness and then the slamming of a metal door was heard and I jumped feeling scared. The monster was standing over a cowering boy that looked no older then four years old. I saw the monster raise his hand with a whip in his hand and then strike the young child until the child's screams were heard no more.

Then again I was thrown into another setting and I saw what looked like Hannibal. They were wearing their signature cloths. Consisting off a black cloak that covered their face and black jeans with their feet bare.

'I like to keep my feet touching the ground cause it makes me feel connected to nature.' They always told me the same thing whenever I asked them why they don't wear shoes.

I saw them sitting next to a boy that seemed to be five years of age. It was also the age that I met them. I heard them telling the child that they can't help him get out but he could escape. That he had enough strength to escape. They told the young child that he had to fight and keep a strong mentality. That if he makes a good enough plan he will not need physical strength to escape.

Then I was again thrown into another setting. But this time it was different then the other settings. There was two males and someone that I could not see was standing in front of them. And the male with red hair seemed to be yelling at that person while crying.

"Where is my child Mistress tell me. I know that you know where he is is." The red haired and red eyed man said.

"Zelious told us that you were talking to yourself about not being able to save our child from a male called Zen." The man with long brown hair said.

"Tell us where he is?" The man with red hair asked.

"I can not involve myself anymore in your lives. But I will tell you this that he needs to go through this. It is the thing that he has to suffer through to achieve what is written in his fate. Know that this things that are happening are happening for a reason. Don't worry you will meet him after he turns eighteen years of age. He also has to suffer through this so his fate becomes easier." The person said with a calm and steady voice.

The males I felt like I had seen them some where but could not pin point where.

Then again I was in another setting this time it was the torture room. I remember this room this is where he gave me the most pain.

I saw a seven year old child tied to a table with different man breaking his bones. The child was biting his lips so he didn't let any screams escape his lips and give the monster the satisfaction of seeing him scream in pain.

"Hurting him physically is not working now. We should break him mentally. Scar him mentally." Zia, the monster's mate said.

No no no no no. I remember this the child is me. Why didn't i recognize myself?

"What should we do to scar him mentally?" The monster asked.

"We should let our man rape him." Zia said sounding proud of herself.

"No Zia. Raping him will not affect him that much as him witnessing someone his age getting raped and not being able to help. But I don't really want to go out and look for someone to use" The monster said and all i was able to do was stare at him.

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