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Luther Kendrick Knight's Point Of View (P.O.V)

It had been a week since we moved to Mistress town. Weird name I know. My friends, brother and I had went out to look around the town after a few days and let's just say the town was different from other small towns. The town did not have many people but it is rather different then most small towns.

My friends, brother and I had thought that this town will not let us have fun. There will be nothing to do and they will be very conservative but oh we were so wrong.

People did what ever they wanted to do, if you want to cross dress you cross dress. If you want to participate in BDSM you participate and no one will judge you for it. There were different types of clubs. They lived with free will. They could do what they wanted to do.

There were also many people with same gender partners and even multiple partners.

We had met this couple, no a throuple in a diner and they surely were different. If they were to be in our old town they would probably be told that what they had was wrong.

They were werewolves just like us and the three of them were mates. We also found out that they go to the same high school we were going to go to.

They told us that this town was very free and that this town strongly supported LGBTQ+ rights and people of colour were seen as equals though people did not over look their identity, their race. And they told us that if we ever disrespected anyone we will most likely end up in the hospital no one will think twice before beating us to a pulp and if we were stronger then them they will gang up on us.

Right now we were stood in the principles office he so just happened to be the former delta of the Red Moon pack. Getting our schedule for our classes.

When we left the office we saw Emerson and Emery the twins that are in a throuple.

"Hey guys. Would you like us to help you find your way around?" Emerson said with excitement dripping from his voice.

"Yes please, this school is enormous and we probably will not even be able to find our lockers." Fiona says dramatically.

"Okay, give me your paper sheets and I will show you where your lockers are." Emerson looks excited to help us.

"Oh your lockers are right next to the populars of this school. Actually not only the school but the whole town knows them. Not only are your lockers next to them it looks like you are in all of their classes too." Emerson said and his mate and brother, Emery chuckled.

"How do you know their schedule?" My beta, Ralph questioned him.

"My friend and Alpha, Kai is friends with them." Emery responded to Ralph's question.

"Are they the good type of popular or the bad type of popular. " Fiona questions them.

At that both of them look at each other and then Emery turns towards us and says "They are both good and bad type of popular. They have done multiple good things but they also have done multiple bad things. So you could consider them in between. Also make sure you stay on their good side because if you are on their bad side then they will make the rest of your senior year hell for you."

"Come on we will lead you to your lockers." Emerson says and turns around with Emery turing too they start walking and we all follow them. After walking for a while, we reached our lockers. We put the things that we did not need in the locker and I could smell this sweet scent around the lockers but it was really faint.

My wolf at that moment perks up and the dreaded word, mate fills my head. The moment my wolf filters it into my brain, that word to me I feel sick to my stomach. I don't want to be tied down so early maybe my wolf was mistaken. I just want to run back to the pack house now I just don't want to meet her. Maybe just maybe, she will not restrain me from living my life.

"You good man." My beta Ralph asks me, looking worried.

"Yeah, I am fine man. Don't worry about me." I said smirking at him.

"Whatever you say." He replied.

The twins showed us to class and went of towards their classrooms I guess. We were a little early to class so we just went to sit at the second last row. We all sat next to each other and waited for the bell to ring so class could start. My friends, brother and I don't like school that much but we were here early because our parents forced us to get to school early cause it was our first day.

The bell rang and almost all the students were here except some people I know that because the twins had told us that the popular group always sits at the last row and right now the last row was empty. The teacher looked around the classroom and asked if anyone of us had seen the 'popular' group anywhere.

"Yes sir, I saw the group outside in the parking lot and it looked like they were flirting with each other. I think they would be here any minute now." A female with blonde hair said. I don't know why she added that they were flirting with each other.

"Thanks Kylie." The teacher said looking at her and then shaking his head at the way she twirled her blonde hair with her fingers.

"As you all know that we have new students. So how about you new students stand up and introduce yourselves." Mr Walsh said with a warm tone of voice.

Right after Mr Walsh said that a knock was heard and the door was opened. I smelt the most amazing scent in the world and I knew that my mate was in this group of people. After I realized that I am going to be meeting my mate and I might not be free to do what I want too. I didn't want to meet my mate well at least not now. I don't want to be bound to make someone happy so early on in life for goodness sake I am only eighteen.

I stared at the door and saw six people step in they all were of different species. From what I could tell was that there was a demon rouge, vampire rogue, half werewolf and half dragon rogue, Angel rogue and a human and the other werewolf was Kai the Alpha of Red Moon Pack. What shocked me was that Kai is hanging out with rogues. But well it is his life so I can't say anything without knowing everything.

After they had all entered in came a male around '6'10' (208,28 centimetres) was tall. I can feel the dominance. He was wearing black leggings and a white hoodie with knee high maroon boots.The male had red hair and blue eyes that were behind his gold rimmed glasses. The man was gorgeous.And he was my mate.

I can not believe it that I have a male mate. Usually the higher ups have female mates so they could produce a heir, but I could adopt like my parents had adopted me and I was going to be Alpha. He is also human so it might be hard to get him.

I still was sad that I found my mate so early in life but I think it is fine by me soon i will fall head over heels for him, but it might be difficult if he does not allow me freedom cause I didn't want a mate just because I did not want to be restrained down.

Well now that he is in my life I think I can get used to having a mate not only that but having a male mate on top of that.


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