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Luther Kendrick Knight's Point Of View (P.O.V)

Three years later.

I look around the yard to see it filled to the brim with children. I look around for Vladimir and see him sat next to Lillian and Alexander.

I walk well more like waddle to them because of my huge belly. I am fourteen months pregnant with quads. I am very scared of losing them. But i have powered through the fear.

The children also helped me a lot. We all were having a barbeque. We have them every month. It is a way of keeping connected with each other. Our friendship stayed through out the years and got even stronger.

And Vladimir and I have gotten even stronger. Our love for each other increased in these past twelve years. We fall more in love with each other every day.

I feel the babies kick and place my hand over my belly and slowly walk. Being careful of not bumping into anyone. When I reach them I settle down on a seat.

"Are the babies kicking?" Rayne asks pointing at my belly and I nod.

"Can I touch?" He asks me.

"Go ahead." I say and he slowly places his hand on my belly.

I can feel the babies kick. And I smile at the feeling. I always yearned for this feeling. And it makes me really happy to finally feel it. The swollen feet, the morning sickness, the sleepless nights. And the kicks and seeing them grow and finding out the gender. Preparing the nursery and waiting for the birth. It all is so special to me.

"Stop it Eka" I hear Arloy yell at Eka.

"Give me some respect you stupid ass person." I hear Eka yell back at him and I look up to see that Eka had fisted Arloy shirt and was glaring down at him. I stood up and started walking towards them.

"Let him go Eka." Zachary says walking towards him with a powerful aura. He places his hand on Ekas and makes him retreat it.

I look behind and see that Alphonse, my half brother holding a pocket knife in his hands but I know he will not use it. Eka turned back around and punched Arloy straight in the gut. He expertly dodged the punch and that is when Eka had this look of hate on his face. And I knew this matter is not ours. They should just fight it out right now or they will have hate and disgust for each other forever.

I know that Arloy is not much of a fighter. He bruises really easily and is weak. And I know that it is hurting him to fight but he is still fighting.

We all stood far from them and gave them their space. I looked at them and saw how Arloy stood tall like a king and Alphonse stood next to him looking like a true warrior.

Yuvin, Rayne and Alexander's nine year old son punched Sacha and Sacha grabbed a handful of his hair and slammed him on the ground. He got up right after and started throwing kicks and punches at Sacha, who dealed with them properly.

I looked towards Alphonse, Arloy and Eka and saw that they all were fighting and Dina, Fiona and Sarah's daughter was also fighting. It seemed like Arloy was losing the fight and was starting to lose control of his breath.

And Zachary, Mistress and Zians first born son was not fighting but nor was he trying to break up the fight. And that was quite shocking cause he is always big on making peace.

Soon they all had finished the little fight they had started and they all stood there looking guilty. I looked at them all and shook my head in disappointment. They all had done a number on each other.

"Why did you fight?" I asked them with a soft yet cold and firm voice. They all stayed silent and Zachary chuckled.

"I would tell you why they fought. But you have to give me chocolate. They fought because Eka said something about a name. Mithraous I think. You remember the sleep over we had a few weeks ago. There Arloy and Alphonse had woke up saying one name and that was Mithraous. They have this connection with that name that they get angry whenever someone disrespects the name. And Eka asked who is the person named Mithraous and then he went ahead and said that it should be an ugly person if they woke up sweating and afraid. And Arloy had fainted once and Eka decided to make fun about that." He said and then hugged Eka. I look Arloy up and down and see that he was holding his wrist in pain.

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