Chapter thirty-one

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Maria's POV:

All of a sudden the fabric around my eyes was removed and I could see the faint light from above me but mostly it was dark.

I closed and opened my eyes a few times, trying to get them to focus because everything seemed blurry.

After a few moments I could see 5 men mostly in professional suits around me.

The closest one to me was my father who had a belt in his hands and was probably ready to smack me with it for running away. Even if I didn't really ran away. Actually I was taken against my will. But that didn't matter now.

My father had plastered his disgusting grin and was proud of himself for getting me caught even tho I came here on my own. I just didn't imagine this kind of meeting.

The other four men where behind him and their faces were cold, they weren't looking anywhere but the distance. Not daring to look at me or him.

I spoke first: "So... What's up?" I asked, trying to sound chill.

My father chuckled loudly: "Ti reci meni. Prvo želim čuti gdje si bila, s kim si bila i što si sve radila. Drugo želim čuti sve o Matteu u njegovoj mafiji. Treće želim čuti što si mu sve rekla o našoj mafiji. Počni pričati, inače neće biti lijepo." (You say to me. Firstly I want to hear where were you, with who were you and what were you doing. Secondly I want to hear everything about Matteo's Mafia. Thirdly I want to hear what did you tell him about our Mafia.)

I gulped slightly because he was smiling and that means he's very mad.

I opened my mouth but then closed it again.

Then I took a deep breath and spoke: "I don't know anythi-"

But he disrupted me.

"Hrvatski! I nemoj ti meni da ne znaš, nego počni pričati jer može postati vrlo gadno, vrlo brzo." He said, while getting closer to me.
(On Croatian! And don't you talk that bullshit that you don't know, start talking because it can get very ugly, very fast.)

I scoffed at that reference.

"U redu! Kad sam išla na misiju da ubijem Mattea, Matteo je već znao i natjerao me da idem s njim. Držao me kod sebe doma i uspjela sam neki dan pobjeći i doći do ovdje. Ništa ne znam o njemu i njegovoj mafiji niti nisam ništa rekla o nama." I played dumb.
(OK! When I went on a mission to kill Matteo, Matteo already knew about it and was expecting it. He made me go with him and was keeping me at his house. I got away from him the other day and I got here. I don't know anything about him and his Mafia nor did I say anything about ours.)

I said all that in one breath, trying to look convincing.

"Dakle, ukrao te?" He asked, with his eyebrow lifted. (So he abducted you?)

"Tako nešto." I said after a moment of hesitating. (Something like that.)

He sighed and gave the permission to one of his men to untie me.

As soon as my hands were free i could feel the sourness and even see the blood coming out of my wrist.

They untied my legs and my father said we will talk about it and that it's not over.

He slapped me three times hard on the cheeks while two of his men held me, so that I couldn't move.

Then he and his men left while locking me in the basement.

I tried to somehow unlock the door with my bobby pins but it was useless, the doors were under really good security. Even if I unlocked it, I would still get caught.

I sighed as I sat on the chair, thinking what can I possibly do.

And nothing seemed as a good possibility...

Another day passed by and I found my backpack in the corner of the room and I was so thankful.

They didn't give me water or food. Maybe they hoped I'd die here.

I found my bottle of water which was warm now but I didn't mind because my mouth felt like sahara.

I also found the chips and I ate all of them while saving as much water as I could because I didn't know for how long they're going to keep me here without anything.

Fortunately, that same day my father strolled in and without a word, ruffly grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me upstairs.

He threw me in the bathroom and gave a change of clothes.

I showered and quickly put on the leggings and shirt he gave me and then he dragged me again to another room, his business room and closed the door behind us. He sat in his seat while I stood as far away from him as possible.

He first signed some paperwork while I just stood there and after a few minutes he started talking.

"Znam gdje je tvoj mali dečkić. I baš je slučajnost da i mi moramo biti na istom mjestu gdje se on uputio."
He said while he lit a cigare. He offered me one and I gladly took it.
(I know where your little lover boy is. And it's a strange coincidence that we have to be at the same place where he just went.)

As I puffed the smoke out I dared to ask: "And where are we going?"

He glanced at me and grinned: "Idemo u Rusiju!"
(We're going to Russia!)

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