Chapter thirty

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Maria's POV:

Today is the day where my plan unravels.

It's nothing special. I'm going to go in the house, kill a few people who get in my way and Tim gave me a code so I can go in my father's study room and wait for him there.

We're going to talk, I'm going to convince him to let go of Emilia and Nora but just in case he won't do it, Tim hired two men for me, who are going to be undercover, like they are working for the my father's mafia and they're going to go in the basement and on my signal which I'm going to say to Tim in the earpiece, the word is 'fuck' because why not, they are going to take the girls and get the out.

After that I don't know what I'm going to do or what my father will do to me but I'm not scared. He should be scared.

I bought new clothes and dressed in a white tank top and a black adidas leggings. I put on some black adidas shoes and a black mask for effect. I had my gun with me, the K.K one. And a few bobby pins in my hair like the usual. One knife inside my shoe and I stuffed a small syringe in my bra, which contains local anesthesia.

I was ready to go. I took my phone with, just in case. And I rented a car. A black one with dark windows so that you can't see inside.

I drove all the way to the back of the mansion where my father lived and I put my earpiece in, checking in with Tim who said everything is ready.

"Ovo je toliko zabavno!" He squeeked in my ear. (This is so much fun!)

I rolled my eyes: "Tim, koncentriraj se!" I said. (Tim, concentrate!)

First I had to jump over a white and high wall that was at the back. Three guards where there and I calculated that I have just over a minute to climb on the wall and jump on the other side and then hide in the bush until they switch again.

I took a deep breath and started climbing at the right moment. Just as I was at the top i swung my leg over the wall but I slipped and feel right on the other side, on the open. I cought myself with my hands so that I don't bang my head against the hard floor.

I quickly rushed over to the bush just in time because two men came to where I was just seconds ago and started shooting with their guns in the air, trying to scare anyone away.

If they turn around now... They would see me.

I didn't know if it was more smart if I try to move away and hide somewhere else or just wait there and pray they don't turn around in my direction.

I decided to stay. But to my luck they turned around and didn't notice me for a few seconds because they were talking but one of them glanced and at first didn't notice me but then..

"Hey, wait a minute! Who are you!" The one who spotted me said and reached for his gun but I was quicker.

I lifted my leg and punched the gun out of his hand while shooting the other. The first one was in shock but he recovered fairly quickly and wanted to punch me but I ducked and put my hand around his head, bringing him down and probably braking his back in the process. He screamed but I quickly put a silencer on the gun and shot him two times in the head.

He was immediately dead and I quickly hid the bodies behind one tree so that no one noticed for now.

I quickly made my way to one window which was the window to my room and I started to climb up and with my bobby pin opened it up because it had a lock.

I just as I opened it and was about to go in someone tackled me down on the ground, making me lose my footing and banging my head on the hard floor.

I cursed under my breath and Tim repeatedly asked if I was okay. Tim just came to the microphone because he has to get away, someone called him.

The last thing I did was whisper to him 'fuck' and 'destroy the earpiece' as I was knocked unconscious and everything went black.

I woke up with a headache and a fabric around my eyes. I could tell I was somewhere cold because I could feel the water (at least I hoped it was water and not blood) underneath my feet. My hands were tied together behind a chair that I was sitting in and my legs were tied also on the chair.

I was sweaty and muddy and everything was sticky. My hair was stuck to my cheek.

I tried to feel if I have the gun on me and maybe somehow reach for it, but it wasn't on me anymore.

My hands were tightly tied and there's no way I could untie it. Someone who knows how to do it, did it.

My legs also.

So I waited for my father to arrive..

Minutes or hours went by, I couldn't really tell because time went really slowly. I could hear every drop of water or blood or actually any liquid.

Then I heard muffled voices, coming closer.

"Šefe, našli smo je iza kuće, penjala se na prozor od svoje sobe, bila je naoružana i ubila je dvoje naših ljudi koji su radili patrolu. Onesvijestili smo je i zavezali. Ne znamo jer je budna." The man said whose voice I recognized as the one who tackled me to the ground. (Boss, we found her behind the house, she was climbing on the window of her bedroom and she killed two of our men who were doing the patrol. We knocked her unconscious and tied her up. We don't know if she's awake or not yet."

That motherfucker!

The doors opened from somewhere in the room and I was breathing heavily, not from being scared but from anger because I knew who was in the room.

"Ah, Karla draga, konačno da si se i ti vratila. Ajmo malo popričati." He said and I heard a sharp sound of belt being smacked. (Ah, Karla darling, finally you came back. Let's talk a little.)

I stiffened a little and slowly fear crept into my body...

To be continued...

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