Author's Note

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Hi everyone!! This is my first real fic and I hope you enjoy. Parts of this book were inspired by conversation between Sofi_Hotchner  and I, and her book "Love Like You" so y'all should go check hers out. This story would not exist without her bringing the concept of Soft Hotch to life.

Please try to read past the first chapter, cuz I'm seeing half of y'all read it and just nope the fuck out, but I just didn't know how to start it—

I promise it gets better once I actually have my own ideas in place, so don't judge the first chapter too harshly.

Please comment, vote, and share! I don't usually try to promote my work, but I am very proud of what I have so far and what I still have in store. I try to stick to the plotline as much as I can, but this is obviously a work of fiction so ideas in this story do not necessarily align with the Author's view and experiences.

Please keep in mind for Trigger Warnings as I may not remember to include them at the beginning of each chapter (Will update this for possible, potential, and included triggers):

Homophobic slurs
Mentions of Child abuse
Mentions of Anxiety attacks
Mentions of Death
Suicidal thoughts
Depiction of sexual acts
BDSM dynamics
Mature language/Swearing

Thank you to everyone who has been following along with this story, voting, and commenting! It really makes me so grateful and hyped to know there are people out in the world reading my book and enjoying it.

I have a plot outlined for this book, so I don't think I will abandon this any time soon, so don't worry about the slower updates as I'm still in school!! I don't have a beta reader, so all of my edits and mistakes are my own with the exception of some feedback from Sofi_Hotchner

Again, thank you to everyone reading, commenting, and voting, you have no idea how much motivation it gives me to keep writing. And don't be afraid to send in requests! All of you are so creative!!



Hiya, I already posted on my announcement board that I probably won't have time to update until about March due to the hectic nature of my school year and such, in case y'all that don't follow me didn't see that. However, I have decided to make some major cuts to my original outline so this book remains mostly fluffy with hints of smut. There are so many ideas I wanted to put in here, but it got VERY angsty so I cut them out of this book and will most likely put them in my one shot book that I will publish later since I want to make sure I can end this book sometime this year.

For reference, as I think I got in WAY over my head, my outline has about 80 chapters lined up and I cut it down to about 45-50, where each chapter is 2.5-5k words each.

I just wanted to keep y'all updated on the status of this book as I've had so much support already and I feel like I should provide quality Soft Hotch, instead of further trauma to my mans. It may be a bad choice to glance over the dark themes, but this was a very self indulgent story, and there's already so much pain and suffering in the show so I hope y'all understand my choice of keeping it fluffy with some zesty scenes.

As always, thank you for reading and interacting, and I hope everyone had a decent Valentine's Day <3

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