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 The morning of lake day festival , you find yourself  cleaning up dishes from breakfast , you feel sudden pang as you pick up the coffee mug , remembering grandpa drinking out of it just days before . shaking your head you set the mug aside "just when you think your starting to understand someone.." you said , you dry your hands and go upstairs to the room which you share with chad , before you reach the top of the stairs you hear muttering , "who is chad talking to?" you whisper to yourself , you climb further and catch few more words "Tia I've been meaning to tell you that i....." "no that sucks! try again " "I've been thinking that you're a realy cool girl , and maybe you'd like to go out with me?" "ugh! that's so stupid!" chad takes a deep, calming breath and starts over "Tia. i didn't think i could ever like anyone the way i like you....when i'm not with you all i can think about is you , and when i'm with you all i can think about is kissing you" said chad "would....would you like to be my girlfriend?" said chad , i couldn't control my laughter , sensing that he is done i gently push the door "hey chaddie!" i said "how long have you been standing there?" asked chad "long enough" you said "i'm really going to tell Tia how i feel about her" said chad "best of luck brother!" you said "i know your going to do it!" i said "thanks y/n!" said chad , you give him a tight hug.


YOU: guys! i'm going to the festival! you there yet?


CORY: yeah y/'s gonna take some time until we reach there 

CODY: i have some work at the HQ as well as the station , you can go on without me

TYLER: sorry y/n! it's gonna take some time! 

GAR: y/n! until we come you can hangout in the nearby park , it has a beautiful view

YOU: thanks gar! by the way you guys are the worst -_-

COBY: i  knowww!


You and chad leave the house and go to the park , you pick up Tia , you all reach the park.

Tia and chad are on either side of you , casting each other shy glances , chad leans close to you and whispers "you seriously couldnt let me come on my own!?" said chad angrily "hey don't blame me! i didn't know you two were coming too!" i said "hey y/n! it's nice coming with you here!" said Tia "thankss!" i said "See! she loves it!" i said to chad , chad rolls his eyes at you

"hey Tia! do you know that chad can hiss like a snake" you said , chad flinches at you "SERIOSLY Y/N!?" said chad "hey do it chad! now i'm curious! " said tia "do it chaddie!" i said "o-okay" said chad "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" said chad "omg! that was a good impression!" said tia , "i'm just gonna jump off the mountain real quick!" said chad "it's nice hanging out with you guys!" said tia


You give Tia and chad a little privacy , you turn to see them talking in hushed voices  blushing , just then chad suddenly grabs Tia and kisses her "omg! way to go chaddie!" i said , they pull apart blushing and grinning "never been proud of that little guy" you said 

you guys reach the carnival "so i'll see you guys later? i have to meet up with my friends" i said "see you later y/n!" said Tia "see ya sis!" said chad 

THE WOODS ( a dude perfect fanfic) X readerWhere stories live. Discover now