13. really close

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adrien's pov

Ladybug threw up the fishing rod and everything reverted to normal. I set Elisa down near Ladybug and walked over towards her.


"Ugh what happened?" The girl asked.

"Pound it!" We said in unison.

"Can you handle this?" I asked, showing her my miraculous.

"Yeah sure," She said with a smile. A smile that used to give me butterflies. And it still does but not as much as before.

I was heading towards Marinette's house when I heard someone calling my name.


"Adrien where are you!" Kagami shouted.

I jumped down from the building I was on and detrasformed into an alleyway.

"Kagami! I'm over here!"

"Adrien!" She ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"I was so worried about you! I'm just glad your safe!"

"Me too."



P: Sorry Adrien, but I'm gonna head home. I hope we can do this again some other time.
7:59 pm

"It looks like Marinette's going home," Kagami said.

"Oh did you get the text too?" I asked.


"Ok, I'll call Gorilla and drop you off," I offered.

"No need my car is already here. I was just looking for you," She smiled. I returned the gesture and lead her to her car.

"Bye Adrien!"

"Bye!" I waved after giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, well, how scandalous. You have a girlfriend but your seeing another girl on her roof, and your in love with another girl," Plagg said.

"Come on Plagg don't say it like that," I winced.

"Fine, your dating someone even though you like 2 different girls better than her."

"Your the worst."

"Give me my cheese."


Chat Noir was flinging from roof to roof. He arrived on the balcony and looked into his princess' skylight.

What is she doing?

Marinette was talking to herself while running around her room grabbing things.

He knocked on her trapdoor politely and she went up and opened it with a smile.

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