7. a kiss on the cheek

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Marinette smiled as she looked at her partner in leather.

"It's getting late kitty you should go home," Marinette sighed, not wanting to let him go.

Chat looked over at her, knowing he had to leave as well.

"Your right princess, this cat's gotta bounce," Chat winked. Marinette rolled her eyes. Chat Noir salut and was about to take off before he felt a tug on his tail.

Marinette leaned over and kissed Chat on his cheek. She gave him a weak smile.

"Thank you Chatton for everything, and if you ever need someone to talk to... I'll be here," Marinette said waving before she walked over and departed into her room.

Chat stood there for a moment. Stunned at what happened. He slowly raised his hand to his cheek and then his face turned red.
Reliving the moment that just occurred he realized, Marinette just kissed me. Marinette just kissed me. Kissed me. Marinette.

Chat felt a warm feeling erupt from inside him remembering the tender touch of her lips on his skin. It left tingles in the area.

He stood there until he heard his miraculous beep and he snapped back to reality. After arriving back home, he detransformed and laid on his bed facing the ceiling.

adrien's pov

She kissed me. Marinette kissed me. I laid on my bed and reviewed the nights events.

She called me handsome too. And said I have soft hair. A blush creeped on my face as I thought about what Marinette had said about me.

"en... Adriennn" Plagg said waving his paws in front of my face.

"She kissed me Plagg."

"Like I care, we ran out of camembert go get me some."

I rolled off my bed holding my cheek, falling on the floor in the process.

"Kid!" Plagg said flying over.

"She kissed me."

"Yeah and that's a normal greeting and thank you in Paris!" Plagg said.

"But Marinette did it."

"And she said she has a crush on a boy!"

"But he has a girlfriend."

"YOU have a girlfriend!"

My face fell. That's right. I'm dating Kagami. I groaned and hit my head on my nightstand.

"I think I accepted to fast," I said.

"I warned you kid! Now get me my cheese!"

I got up and went to the kitchen. That's right she likes some other dude. Not that it matters I have Kagami and Ladybug. And she kissed Cat Noir not Adrien.

Grabbing some camembert I headed back upstairs.

"She said I looked handsome Plagg," I said putting on my pajamas and getting into bed.

Plagg swallowed the cheese and burped.

"Yeah but your a model! Tons of ladies say your handsome. Besides she said she's not into pretty boys. AKA YOU!" Plagg said.

"Then she said I had a good personality!"

"As Chat Noir! As Adrien the girl avoids you like the plague!" Plagg yelled.

My heart sank. Thats right she she can't even talk normally to me. I have a girlfriend maybe I should try being more of myself around Kagami!
I mean Chat Noir is a part of Adrien!

I groaned. I wish she didn't kiss me. Marinette.

marinette's pov


Obviously I changed the story a bit but it was still 90% true. I pulled the sheets over my head and thought.

I hope Chat doesn't take it the wrong way. But the stray made a little home in my heart. I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep.

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