Chapter 1

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So many people have asked me to write a sequel to 'after the rebellion' so I have decided to just that.

If you haven't read the first book then I suggest you do so you know what has gone on.. Thank you all so much for voting & commenting & reading the first. It means so much to me thank you!



A few months have gone by and Peeta and I have grown back together, this time being stronger than ever. I'm determining to not let him slip away from me this time, I don't know what I would do without him.

I stretch my arms above my head and slowly close my eyes again. I throw my arm down hoping to hit Peeta on the chest to indicate I am awake but I don't feel him. He's not there. I slowly open my eyes and look over to his side of the bed. Empty.

I do what my natural instinct would do, hurry to find him. I scurry out of our bed and wrap my robe around my and pull the belt tight making sure the robe won't fall off my body.

I hurry down the stairs, I peek my head over the top of the railing and I see him there, stood next to the oven baking. A sigh of relief leaves my body and I now slowly make my way down the stairs. He slowly turns around and his face lights up like a Christmas tree when he sees me. He slowly walks over and envelopes me into a hug.

"Why are you up? you should still be sleeping," he says before he kisses the top of my nose. "I felt you wasn't there and I thought you disappeared so I got worried and started to panic and decided to look for you," I reply, smiling into his face.

"Oh Katniss, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's okay now you're here."

We slowly walk back over to the kitchen and he carries on with his baking and I sit at the table and admire his work.

"Peeta, tell me about your school sweethearts. I mean they must have been perfect if they got you," I say trying to make a conversation.

"If I had to choose perfect, I would have just chosen you."

He said is so clearly. Matter-of fact so certain, and now his eyes are on me, deep and burning as if a hand had been placed in my chest and wound up around my heart, squeezing it tightly.

I swallowed at his words; he really has his way with words, just as he has his way with women, falling at his feet practically begging to be part of his life. I look at him, waiting for a reply, waiting for him to say 'just kidding' and to turn his back to start baking again.

But he didn't.

"I would choose your legs, even when they are shuddering and shuffling and driving me to distraction. I'd choose your face because it shows pure beauty and it scrunches up amazingly when you find something funny, (which incidentally isn't often enough for my liking)."

"I'd choose the way your cheeks go red whenever you're embarrassed, just like they are now." I lift my hand to my face and slowly touch the top of my cheek, It's burning hot.

"I'd choose the fact you're smart, kind and funny and you don't know it. You're also very stubborn and good with a bow." His eyes trace over my face in a long, slow, silent study. "It's a pretty big list but yeah, I'd choose you over any of them girls, I'd choose everything about you."

My lips start to quiver; he's really caught me off guard and with nothing to say once in my life. I swallow past the lump in my throat, which has formed as a side effect of his sweet, gentle words. I finally find the courage to speak a reply.

"Well you obviously don't remember the 'keep yourself to yourself' girl, the stubborn girl who had only one friend. The skin to the bone-"

"I remember," he says cutting me off. "I remember the knock-kneed stubborn girl with the voice of an angel and would openly blush when in the company of Gale Hawthorn."

I cringed at the thought of it. I knew he loved me since we were five but I wasn't expecting the whole description of what I used to do. Yep, he remembered me, he remembered me good.

Peeta smiled, "You weren't as invisible as you thought."

He actually remembered me, through the hijacking he really kept on to these thoughts. I love my boy with the bread, I love my Peeta."

"You love me real or not real, Katniss?" I tell him, "Real."

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