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Oberoi Mansion...
[Deep looks at Anika... Deep falling in love with her smile and her innocent face...]
Aditya - Ghoorna band karo (Stop staring at her) she soon to be your bhabhi...
Deep - I already fall for her bhaiya... I want to make her mine...
Aditya - Are you crazy... This is war between you and Shivaay...
Deep - Love is war bhaiya... Between me and bade bhaiya will had war in this love that we fell... 😉 I want to see how much he loves her... Let me do it bhaiya...
Shivaay mind - How can this happen it's beyond what I think... Anika is Shanaya... I thought it's was someone else and she is gets engaged with Deep my little cousin brother? No! I can't let Anika be with someone else... I had to stop their marriage! Anika had to marry me! She is mine Anika... Just only mine...
Anika - Aunty and everyone I want to apologize for everything...
Tanvi - Sweetie please...
Anika - No momma we need to tell them the truth... The whole truth...
Rahul - Okay... Papa will tell them... Now come here honey...
Pinky - What had happened sweetie? Tanvi?
Shakti - Please do tell us...
Rahul - So Mr and Mrs Oberoi actually we found our daughter back and she back her with us a few weeks ago because our son Omkara had found her... A few years ago we lost our daughter... When she was a small baby on that time... That's why we didn't come and bring our daughter with us... Omkara and all of his friends with our other family members help us which is also Rudra and Bhavya on this part... Omkara found her with the help from his fiance Gauri at London...
[Everyone heard the story that being told by Rahul the whole family is there...]
Rahul - Omkara found and meet his little sister in an interview... Then his private investigator dig more deeper about her family and everything that happened in her life... How her life being tortured and taunting by Tanvi ex boyfriend before marrying me... He was so obsessed about Tanvi and then he kidnapped our daughter on that time...
Pinky - Oh My Mataa... That guy Tanvi?
Tanvi - Yes Pinky...
Rahul - Then we found out that Anika here... I'm sorry her name now is Shanaya Anika Malhotra... Shanaya A. Malhotra... She engaged with some crap guy... He work as doctor and had affairs with the adopted sister of her... And that guy also tried to rape Shanaya at Venice...
Shakti - What? Is she...
Rahul - No nothing had happened to her... Because she had a protector with her on that time...
[Shivaay smile and remember how he protected Anika on that time...]
Rahul - The he fulfilled his desire with Shanaya sister adpoted sister... They both being together...
Tej - Really? Shees... So crap and basterd he is!
Rahul - I'm so sorry for not telling you anything about this earlier Mr and Mrs Oberoi...
Jhanvi - It's okay now we understand it... Shanaya here will be our wonderful dau8in law for Deep right Deep?
Deep - Yes mom... She will be my bestest wife forever... Saat janaam tak! (Until the next 7 birth!)
[Deep eyes looked at Shivaay that was burning in jealousy... And Anika were puts a fake smile when Deep hold her hands... Her eyes were sad...]
Anika - Jhanvi aunty...
Jhanvi - Don't call me that... Call me Badi maa or Mommy ji...
Anika - Mommy ji... Can I know where is toilet I need to used it...
Jhanvi - Pooja shows Anika a way to the toilet...
Pooja - Okay maam...
Pinky - I was just hoping that Anika will be our daughter in law... Hmmm but what to do... I'm sorry that Shivaay had reject your proposal and we will meet our daughter in law next week...
Shakti - Yes Rahul so sorry but now Deep will be your son in law... And he will be a good son in law also a husband for Anika...
Shivaay mind - No! Deep can't marry Anika! Anika is just only for me!
Shivaay - Excuse me!
[Shivaay moved towards Anika room where the toilet is... And Anika coming out from her bathroom... And Shivaay pull her towards the wall and hold her hands...]
Shivaay - What was this Anika? Why you didn't tell me about all of this?
Anika - It's hard to contact you when you were here at Italy Shivaay... I also didn't know about all of this relationship... And about you... Why did you rejected the proposal?
Shivaay - I thought that Shanaya and you is not the same... I never realized it Anika... Anika please don't marry deep...
Anika - How can I react with my momma and papa request Shivaay! I had just found them and I can't even say no to them...
Shivaay - Anika... How about me? My love for you? Our feelings... Please don't marry him... I love you jaan... I truly love you baby...

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