Rebekah and Katerina

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Caroline's POV
I have been in Rome for a week. I am leaving tomorrow morning to Greece. This place is amazing. I woke up, and put on my green dress with my green heels. I grabbed my purse, and walked out of my hotel room. I walked to the elevator and went to the bottom floor. I walked out of the hotel, and down the street. I decided to do some shopping, I mean why not.

I went into a couple stores, and bought some stuff. I stopped for some food, in a cafe. I sat down, and the waitress came over. I said, " I will have the patatine fritte, and a hamburger."

She nodded, and walked away. My Italian is a little good. Someone called my phone, I looked and it was my best friend, Bonnie. I answered it and said, " Hey, Bon."

Bon said, " Hey, how's Rome? I forgot to call, I'm sorry."

I said, " It's fine. Everything is great. I am leaving tomorrow to go to Greece. Where are you?"

Bonnie said, " I'm in Venice, with Alaric. He keeps drinking all the kinds of beer, they have here. I miss you."

I said, " I miss you, too. How's Enzo?"

Bonnie said, " Enzo is fine. He took Alaric to a bar, to get him drunk."

I said, " Well, have fun. Bye Bon."

Bon said, " Bye, Care Bear."

I hung up the phone and sighed. Bonnie is the only one of my friends that still keeps in touch. Elena is in New York, Matt is in Seattle, and Tyler is in Florida. Bonnie is traveling with Alaric, and Enzo. Enzo is her boyfriend, And Alaric raised Elena, basically, and he is friends with Enzo.

My food came and I ate. After I ate, I walked the streets of Rome. After 3 hours of walking, I eventually went back to my hotel room. I put my shopping bags in my room. I decided to pack. I packed all of my things, by the time it was 7 PM. I decided to get a drink.

So, I went out of the hotel, and went down the street. I walked into a bar, and sat down at the bar. I said, " Bourbon."

The bartender nodded, and I looked beside me, and there was this blonde girl, and a brown haired girl, that looked familiar. I seen her face, and it hit me. I said, " Elena."

The girls were confused. I said, " Sorry. Just you look like my best friend."

The brown haired girl said, " It's alright. I get that a lot. I'm Katerina. This is Rebekah."

I said, " I'm Caroline."

Rebekah said, " So, What brings you to Rome?"

Rebekah has a British accent. I took a sip of my drink, and said, " Oh. My mom always wanted me to live my life to the fullest. She died two years ago. I finally decided to live my life. I always wanted to travel."

Katerina said, " I'm sorry, about your mother. It's not easy losing people you love."

I said, " What brings you here?"

Rebekah said, " We are only here for a few more nights, then going to France. We are here because my brothers are a pain in the arse."

Katerina said, " She has three brothers. Kol is childish. Elijah is dreamy, sweet and a gentleman."

I said, " It seems like you like This Elijah."

Katerina blushed, and Rebekah said, " She does. She and my brother are smitten. They have been together half their lives."

I said, " You mentioned three brothers. Who's the third?"

Rebekah said, " That would be Niklaus. He is a bad boy type. He doesn't trust easy. Trust me, no girls go for him because he is dangerous."

I said, " How dangerous?"

Katerina said, " Just take our word for it. So, where did you come from?"

I said, " I came from Mystic Falls. It's a small town in Virginia."

Rebekah said, " My family used to live there. What are the odds we met someone from there?"

I said, " Your family? When did they live there?"

Rebekah said, " It feels like a thousand years ago."

I said, " Whats your last name?"

Rebekah said, " Mikaelson. Why?"

I said, " The name sounds familiar. I don't remember where I heard it before."

She said, " Well, my ancestors were in Mystic Falls before it was a town. Maybe in a history class."

Then it clicked. I said, " Yes. My history teacher told us about The Mikaelsons, and how they were the first family settled here."

She nodded. I said, " So, where did you come from?"

Katerina said, " We came from New Orleans. Bekah's ex is living there, he is selfless and arrogant."

I said, " I guess you don't get along."

Rebekah said, " Don't get along is an understatement. We loathe Marcel. My brother loathes him the most."

I nodded. Rebekah, Katerina and I drank and talked. It was nice to talk to people, around my age.

Two hours later, I said, " I should get going. I have a flight to catch in the morning."

Katerina said, " Do you have to go?"

I said, " Yeah. Sorry. It was nice talking with yous."

Rebekah said, " Where are you off to next?"

I said, " Greece."

Katerina said, " Well, have fun. Greece is really amazing."

I nodded, and left the bar. I walked down the street, and to my hotel. I went to my room, and got a shower. I put on my pjs and went to sleep.

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