Christmas Eve Party

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Caroline's POV
It has Been 2 years, since Davina was brought back. Two months after, Davina was awoken, she started throwing up dirt. I contacted Esther and she told us to finish the harvest. So, the harvest was finished, and then Davina was brought back, along with the other three girls. Everything is good.

Klaus and I hadn't spent much alone time together, in the last two months. We have barely seen each other, and I moved into his room, in his wing of the house. He is always off with Elijah, and Stefan, doing something that has to do with the city. I have mostly spent most of my time, with Kat, Bekah, Davina, and Kol. I know, right. Kol isn't that bad, once you get to know him. He has been chasing Davina, and she has been blowing him off. Bekah and Stefan are being all lovey dovey. Kat and Elijah are happy together. Today, is Christmas Eve.

Anyway, I woke up, Klaus wasn't in bed, again. I put on my jeans, and my red crop top, with my black heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it.

Elijah, and Kol came into the kitchen. Elijah said, " Good Morning, Caroline."

I said, " Morning. Wheres Klaus?"

Elijah said, " I last seen him last night. He was going up to his wing of the house. Why?"

I said, " He wasn't in bed, again this morning. I woke up alone for the last week."

Elijah said, " Check his office, or his studio."

I nodded. I walked out of the kitchen, and went into our wing of the house. I checked his studio, first and he wasn't in there. I went to his office, and opened the door. I walked in, and he was sleeping at his desk, his head down.

I quietly, shut the door, and walked over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, and said, " Klaus! Wakey, wakey."

He woke up, and sat up straight. He looked at me, and said, " What time is it?"

I said, " It's nine. Why were you sleeping in here? You do have a perfectly good bed, in our room."

He said, " I was working, last night. I guess, I must've fell asleep. Sorry, my love."

I said, " It's fine. What were you working on?"

He said, " I was working on a new treaty. The witches are still having trouble over having to report to Elijah, when they do magic. So, we are making it, that they have to report to Davina, and Kol."

I said, " Why Kol? I get it he tapped into his magic, before he was turned."

He said, " Kol has a thousand years of knowledge of witchcraft. He also tapped into his magic, at an early age, earlier than Finn. He knows tons of witches, and has them on call, if we need anything."

I said, " Got it. How come I have been waking up alone for the last week?"

He said, " Sorry, love. I have been busy with the witches, Vampires, and the wolves. I guess there hasn't been much us time."

He pulled me towards him, and had me sit on his lap. I said, " What is it?"

   He said, " You are perfect. I don't know how I could ever deserve you."

     I said, " I'm not perfect. I'm a control freak."

   He said, " You put up with my siblings, and Katerina. There should be an award for having you put up with Kol and his shenanigans."

    I said, " Kol isn't that bad. He is Great at video games."

   He said, " Kol is a nuisance."

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