Lunch and a Plan?

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Caroline's POV
     It has been a week, since the party. It is Saturday, which means my lunch date with Marcel. I haven't seen Klaus, Kat, Elijah, Stefan, .Kol, or Bekah. I woke up, and put on my strapless blue dress, with my blue heels, and my black leather jacket. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Kat.

K- Sneak out of the quarter to the House.

C- I have a lunch date with Marcel.

K- Then afterwards.

C- Alright. See you then

  I put away my phone, and someone knocked on my apartment door. I walked over and opened it. There stood Marcel.

   I said, " How did you know where I lived?"

  He said, " I have my ways. Ready?"

   I said, " Yep."

   I closed the door to my apartment, and Marcel and I walked down the stairs, and out of my apartment building. We walked down the street, towards a diner. We went inside, and sat down. We ordered lunch.

  He said, " So, Why did you want to go out with me?"

  I said, " You're nice, attractive, and seem intriguing. Why would you ask me out?"

   He said, " You are beautiful, stunning, strong, feisty, and interesting. It's like there is something else about you, you aren't telling me."

   I said, " A girl can have her secrets. So, how come no girls ever went out with you?"

   He said, " I am only into the strong types. The girls that want me aren't my type."

  I said, " You also mean blonde? I seen your ex, she is also a blonde."

  He chuckled and said, " The hair is just a coincidence."

   I laughed, and our food came. He said, " I have someone for you to meet, tomorrow night."

  I said, " Who is it?"

  He said, " A powerful witch I know, she has a secret weapon that we can use to take down the Mikaelsons, in a week."

  I said, " Alright."

   We continued talking, and ate. An hour later, we finished lunch, and he went to his place, after. I flashed out of the quarter and to the house. I walked inside, and Klaus was standing in the foyer.

   He said, " Where were you?"

  I said, " I was out with Marcel. Didn't Kat tell you?"

  He said, " No!"

   I walked over to him, and put my hand on his hard, firm chest. I said, " Calm down."

    After a few minutes, he calmed down. He said, " How did you do that?"

   I said, " Its a calming spell, Kol taught me."

   He smiled and said, " You are amazing, love."

He kissed my lips, and pulled me flush against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we stood there making out. After a few minutes, we pulled away. He said, " I missed you, love."

I said, " It's only been a week."

He said, " A week felt like a lifetime."

I kissed his cheek, and we went to the study, where Kol, Kat, Bekah, Stefan, and Elijah were. Kat said, " Finally!!"

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