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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and put on my jeans, red tank top, and my black heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen. Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Katerina were in there, talking.

I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it. I said, " So, what are you guys talking about?"

They each looked at each other. I said, " What is it?"

Rebekah said, " Care, We need your help. You are the only one we trust."

I said, " What do you need my help for?"

Kat said, " Remember Marcel?"

I said, " Bekahs ex. What about him?"

Kol said, " What Katerina is trying and failing to say is, We need your help to take back our city from Marcel, darling."

I said, " Wait, Your city? You guys own New Orleans?"

Elijah said, " We not just own it. We built the city, in fact."

Klaus said, " Marcellus is just a little scraper, playing king. This is our city. Marcellus was a slave, before I found him. He thinks that he can take us down without a fight. We need to find this witch, he is keeping on hand. I am the one that turned him, and made him in my image."

I said, " Why don't yous just kill him?"

Elijah said, " We will get to that. First we need to know who this witch is, and how powerful she is. There is also something else, that Marcel is keeping hidden. So, we need you to distract Marcel."

I said, " Won't he know that I am on your side? I mean the guy that killed me, was working for Marcel?"

Rebekah said, " He didn't tell Marcel about you persay. He only told Marcel he killed someone close to us. So you can easily go in the quarter for a couple of weeks, and not be noticed."

Katerina said, " You can stay in my apartment, I have in the quarter. You just can't be seen with anyone of us in the quarter. If we need you, we will call you and have you meet us somewhere."

Kol said, " What do you say, Darling?"

Klaus said, " I still don't like this."

I said, " Whys that?"

Klaus sighed and said, " I just don't want you to get hurt, love."

I said, " I will be fine. I will help, yous."

They nodded, except Klaus. He seemed ticked off, about me distracting Marcel."

Kat said, " Let's get your stuff packed."

I nodded, and Kat and I went up to my room. We started packing my things into my suitcase.

Klaus's POV
Katerina and Caroline went upstairs to Caroline's room. Rebekah said, " Nik, if you like her tell her."

I said, " I don't."

Kol said, " Nik, you fancy her. Everyone in this house knows it."

Elijah said, " Niklaus, all we have ever wanted for you was for you to be happy."

I said, " What if I destroy the light inside of her? She is full of light, and I am full of darkness."

Rebekah said, " Sounds like a love story."

Elijah said, " You won't destroy her. If anything she will make you better. Heck, she already made you better by being here for only 2 weeks. You stopped going out every night, and killing Marcel's night walkers. She is changing you."

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