Truth comes out

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Caroline's POV
    It has been two days, since Marcel and I went to the bar. We haven't talked since. Klaus, Kat, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah, I haven't spoken to, since that day. Stefan and I text, we are friends. Anyway, I woke up and someone was knocking on my apartment door.

  I got out of bed, and went to the door. I opened it, and there stood Marcel with Davina. Marcel said, " Bad time?"

   I said, " No. Come in. Sorry, I completely forgot."

  Marcel and Davina came inside my apartment, and closed the door. Marcel said, " Are you sure, you can watch Davina?"

   I said, " Yes. It's fine."

  Davina said, " Marcel, you can leave now. You promised not to keep an eye on me. Caroline and I will be fine."

   Marcel said, " I'm going. Behave."

  Davina nodded, and Marcel left. I said, " Let me get dressed, real quick, and we can do whatever you want to do."

   She nodded, and sat down on the couch. I went to my room, and my phone buzzed. I picked it up, and it was a text from Stefan.

S- What are you doing today?

C-Spending the day with Davina. Marcel asked me to.

S- Got it. Make sure you come over, later tonight. We have something to tell you.

C- Alright.

   I put away my phone, and went to my closet. I put on my black dress, with my black heels. I went to the kitchen, and made some coffee. Davina came over and sat at the island.

    I said, " Did you want coffee or orange juice?"

  She said, " Coffee, please."

  I nodded, and poured her some coffee into a cup, and handed it to her. She took a sip, and hummed.

   I opened the fridge and grabbed a blood bag out. I drank it, and threw the bag away.

Davina was looking at me curious. She said, " You drink out of blood bags?"

   I said, " Yeah, ever since I turned. I never drank from humans."

   She said, " Why not?"

   I said, " I don't like the idea of drinking from humans. I mean they are people, just trying to live their lives."

   She nodded, and said, " How are you a witch?"

   I spit out my coffee, and said, " Excuse me?"

  She said, " How are you a witch, if you are a vampire? I didn't sense it the first time we met, so you must've had it cloaked, somehow. Now, I can sense it. You are the powerful being, I sensed two weeks ago."

    I took a sip of my coffee, and said, " Can you keep this a secret about me having witch powers? I don't want anyone to find out. I honestly don't know how I got them, I just woke up, and I had them."

She said, " My lips are closed."

I said, " So, why do you want to kill the Mikaelsons?"

She said, " I don't have anything against them. Marcel wants me to kill them because he told me about his story with them."

I said, " It seems like he just wants you for your powers."

She said, " He doesn't. He told me I am like a daughter to him."

I said, " Davina, he uses you to shut the witches up to stop using their powers. He wants you to kill the Mikaelsons, which a powerful spell could kill you. Even if Mikael kills Klaus, there is still the other three Mikaelsons. If you use all your power to kill those three, then you will die. I'm sure you don't want to die. He doesn't let you out of the attic at all. Marcel is using you for your powers."

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