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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and put on my shorts, my black tank top, and my black heels. I went to the kitchen and got a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it.

I texted Kat.

C- Hey. Need a dress for tonight. Marcel invited me to a party.

K- Got it. Can you go to the mall outside of New Orleans? Marcels vamps won't go that far.

C- Yeah. Meet you there in an hour.

K- See you then.

I put away my phone, and got my purse. I went outside of the apartment. I walked down the stairs and out of the building. I got in my car, and started driving out of the city.

Kat's POV
I put away my phone and went to the living room. Everyone was in there.

I said, " Beks, Come on."

Bekah said, " Where?"

I said, " We are going to the mall. Care needs a dress for Marcels party, tonight. So do you."

Klaus said, " Caroline is going to the party, tonight. How did she manage to get Marcel to invite her?"

I said, " I will have to ask her, when we get to the mall. How did you manage to get an invite, Klaus?"

Klaus said, " I only got it because Marcel thinks that he will get me to leave New Orleans and possibly figure out why I am here. Which none of that will happen. I'm taking Rebekah thinking that she would distract Marcellus."

Elijah said, " Well, it seems Caroline can distract Marcellus, while you and Rebekah try to find that witch. We all know, he wouldn't keep her in the compound. Rebekah can talk with his inner circle guys and see where he might keep someone."

Rebekah said, " I am rather good at that."

Klaus said, " What will I be doing, brother?"

Kol said, " Probably trying to rip Marcels head off, each time he talks with Caroline."

Klaus growled. Elijah said, " Mingle, Niklaus. See who else is close to Marcel besides his vampires."

Klaus nodded. I said, " Whatever. Beks, let's go."

Bekah got up, and Klaus said, " I'm going with you, girls."

Kol said, " Its only been a day, Nik. Caroline will be fine with Katerina and Bekah."

Klaus said, " I'm still going. We are taking my car."

I rolled my eyes. Bekah, Klaus and I walked out the front door, and to Klaus's black Jaguar. He then drove us to the mall.

Caroline's POV
An hour of driving and I arrived at the mall. I got out of my car, and seen a black Jaguar park beside my car, and inside was Klaus, Kat, and Bekah. So, this must be Klaus's car. They got out of the car.

I said, " I thought it was just girls."

Kat said, " That's what I thought. But your boyfriend pushed his way into going."

I said, " So, you all know?"

Bekah said, " Yep. We seen you snogging my brother, before you left."

Klaus said, " Love, they are all fine with it."

Bekah said, " Fine? I'm bloody happy, my brother and my best friend are together and get to be happy!"

I said, " Alright. I need a dress."

Kat said, " You and Bekah need a dress."

I said, " Bekah?"

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