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Caroline's POV
         I spent a week in Greece. Now, I am heading to Paris, France. I packed all of my things last night. I woke up and put on my jeans and blue crop top, with my black heels. I brought my suitcases down to the cab. I got in the cab, and they drove me to the airport. I checked my baggage, and went to the gate. I gave the lady my ticket, and I went to the plane. I got on the plane, and sat down in my seat. The plane took off, and I read a few magazines.

   4 hours later, we landed in Paris. Everyone got off the plane, and I went to the baggage area. I got my suitcases, and went outside to get a taxi. I flagged down and taxi, and got in. I said, " Hôtel Britannique."

   The taxi man nodded, and drove. I was looking out the window, and it was beautiful. I could see the Eiffel Tower, and all the trees were in bloom. There was pink flowers in the trees.

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped. I paid him, and got out. I got my suitcases and went inside the hotel. I said, " Caroline Forbes."

The lady said, " Master Suite. voici votre clé."

She handed me a key, and I went to the elevator. I don't understand a lot of French, but I understand some. I went to the top floor, and walked to my room. I walked inside, and it was beautiful and huge. I put my suitcases down, and walked around. There was a living room, and a huge bedroom with a queen size bed. There was a balcony that looked over the city. I could see the Eiffel Tower from here.

I decided to go out for a bit, and explore. It is only 2 in the afternoon. I grabbed my purse, and went out of the hotel. I walked down the street, and looked around. I can't believe I am here.

An hour of walking around, I heard someone say, " Caroline!"

I didn't see anyone. I turned around and seen Katerina and Rebekah walking towards me. They made it to me, and Rebekah said, " Hey, Caroline."

I said, " Hey."

Katerina said, " What are you doing here, Caroline?"

I said, " I came to Paris. It's the only place I ever wanted to visit. I didn't think you would be here, still. It has been a week, since we last saw each other."

  Rebekah said, " We stayed longer. We didn't feel like going back, right now."

   Katerina said, " We should go shopping."

    I said, " I don't want to impose. You and Rebekah can do your own thing. I am fine, on my own."

Rebekah said, " Nonsense. Come on. We can talk some more. You can tell us how Greece was."

   I sighed and nodded. We walked down the street and talked. I told them about my trip to Greece. I seen all the ancient sites. We shopped for like 3 hours. We stopped at a cafe and ate dinner. Rebekah and Katerina speak and understand French fluently.

      I said, " How did you learn French? I can barely understand it."

    Rebekah said, " My brothers took Kat and I here multiple times. Kat and I came here a couple times on our own, for a girls trip. My boyfriend, had brought me to Paris, for a date."

   I said, " Your boyfriend? Who is he?"

   Rebekah said, " That would be Stefan Salvatore. He and I have been seeing each other for what feels like a century. We just enjoy each other's company."

   I said, " Where is he now?"

  Rebekah said, " He is in New Orleans with my brothers. He is helping Nik with somethings."

   I took a bite of my burger. Katerina said, " Stefan is a bit of a romantic. He is a bit cheesy."

    Rebekah said, " Whats wrong with that? Caroline, do you have a boyfriend?"

   I said, " Nope. My ex and I broke up three years ago."

    Katerina said, " Rebekah's brothers, Kol and Klaus are single."

     Rebekah said, " She wouldn't like either Nik or Kol. Nik is dangerous and can't help his temper. Kol goes for anything that moves."

   We finished eating, and talked. We walked out of the cafe, and I said, " I should get back to my hotel."

   Rebekah said, " Which hotel?"

   I said, " Hotel Britannique."

  Katerina said, " How about you stay with us? That hotel isn't very nice."

    I said, " I shouldn't. You and Rebekah are already kind enough. I am fine at my hotel."

  Rebekah said, " We insist.We can try and become friends, while we are all here."

    I said, " Where are you staying?"

  Rebekah said, " My family has a house here. Its big enough for the three of us. It's private, and beautiful. What do you say?"

    I said, " I guess. I will have to go back to my hotel and get my stuff."

  Katerina said, " We will come with you."

    I nodded. We walked down the street, to my hotel. We went up to my room, and I got my suitcases. We went downstairs. I returned my room key, and we walked down the street, towards Katerina's car. I put my suitcases in the trunk, and got in the back.

    Katerina drove to their house. It was beautiful. I said, " This is gorgeous, and huge."

  Rebekah said, " Its nothing."

  We got out of the car, and I said, " How is this nothing?"

  Katerina said, " Bekahs family is rich. They have houses all over."

   I was still shocked, and nodded. I got my suitcase, and we walked inside. Rebekah showed me around. The living room, library, study, kitchen, and dining room is downstairs. There is a pool outback. Upstairs is a ton of rooms. There is a bunch of guest rooms. Rebekah, Kol, Klaus, Elijah, and Katerina have their own Study, Library, and Office. Rebekah showed me to the guest room by Katerina's.

     She left me alone, and I got a shower. I put on my pjs, and looked around. There is a fireplace, couch, flat screen, and a queen size bed. There is a balcony, that looks off to the backyard. I soon laid down, and went to sleep.

Rebekah's POV
     Caroline had stayed in her room, and went to sleep. I went to the kitchen, and got a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. Kat came in and said, " Where's Caroline?"

   I said, " She is in her room, sleeping."

    Kat nodded. I said, "She is nice. She is different."

  Kat said, " She's so full of light. She is also human."

    I said, " I know. She doesn't know anything about Supernaturals, and we need to keep it that way."

   Kat nodded, and my phone rang. It was Nik. I answered it, and said, " Hello, Nik."

  Nik said, " Why aren't you here, yet?"

   I said, " We decided to stay longer in Paris."

   Nik said, " Alright. Not too long. Marcellus is planning something, and we need to know what."

   I said, " We will be back, in a week."

  Nik said, " Alright, Bekah. Have fun."

   I hung up the phone. Kat said, " They didn't find someone to distract Marcel, yet."

   I said, " Seems not. Elijah and Kol were supposed to look for someone close to Marcel to distract him, so we can figure out where his witch is."

  Kat said, " I'm sure they will find someone."

   I nodded, and flashed up to my room. I got a shower, and put on my pjs. I laid down and went to sleep.

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