Vampires? What!

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Rebekah's POV
    It has been 14 hours, and we landed in New Orleans. Caroline didn't wake yet, which is weird. Anyway, we got off the plane. I carried Caroline to the car. I laid her in the backseat, and Caroline sat up and gasped for air. Finally, she wakes.

She was confused, and said, " Whats going on?"

I said, " Care, we will explain everything. But first we need to get you to the house."

Kat and I got in the car, and I started driving. Caroline said, " Where are we?"

Kat said, " We are in New Orleans."

Caroline said, " How did I get here? I thought you and Rebekah were leaving to here. What the hell happened? The last thing I remember was a man at the door, and talking with him. He said something about sending a message to the Rebekah, then everything went black.Who was that guy?"

   I said, " That was Diego. He works for Marcel."

  Caroline's POV
        Wait, Marcel her ex? I said, " Your ex?"

Katerina said, " The very same. We will explain everything, once we get inside."

I nodded, and we got out of the car. We stood in front of a huge house, with pillars. I said, " What is this place?"

Rebekah said, " My family's home. We call it the plantation."

I nodded, and we walked towards the door. Someone came outside, he had blonde hair, and was handsome. Rebekah ran over to him and kissed him. I guess that is Stefan, her boyfriend.

  Katerina said, " Ewww!! Stop! We do have a guest."

    Stefan and Rebekah pulled away from each other, and looked at Katerina and I. Stefan said, " Hi. I'm Stefan. You are?"

   He held his hand out and I shook it. I said, " I'm Caroline."

   He smiled, and nodded. Katerina said, " Alright. Let's get inside."

   We nodded, and went inside the huge house. We walked into what seemed like the living room. There was three people sitting there. One wearing a suit, and had brown hair, brown eyes. The other looks like the one in the suit, and has brown hair and brown eyes. The other had long yet short curly hair, and dreamy deep ocean blue eyes.

    He certainly was the most handsome one. Rebekah said, " Caroline. These are my brothers Elijah, Kol, and Niklaus."

    She pointed to them, as she said their names. Elijah stood up, and said, " You probably have a lot of questions. But first, it was probably a long jet ride. We will let you girls get freshened up, and we will explain soon. Kol, show Caroline to her room."

   Kol stood up, and said, " Follow me, darling."

   I nodded, and followed him up the stairs. He said, " That side of the house is Nik's. Elijah's and Katerina's room is here. Rebekah's and Stefan's room is there. Mine is at the end of the hall. This one is yours."

     He pointed out the rooms, and I nodded. I went inside, and it was amazing. There was a queen size bed, paintings on the walls of landscapes, and a fireplace. Kol said, " Rebekah will bring your bags up."

   I nodded, and he left. I went into the bathroom, and got in the shower. After my shower, I wrapped a towel around me. I walked into the room, and seen my suitcases sitting there. I grabbed my shorts, and my blue tank top, with my tan wedges. I went into the bathroom and put the clothes on.

      I walked out of the room, and downstairs. Stefan, Kol, Katerina, Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah were sitting in the living room. Everything felt weird like more than usual. I didn't feel it that much earlier, cause I was confused.
    I sat down, and said, " So, what is this explanation?"

   Katerina said, " Well, that weird feeling, you are feeling is your senses being heightened. It happens when you are in transition of being a vampire. You get used to the heightened senses, after you turn. You have a day to decide whether you want to turn or die."

    I said, " What? Vampires aren't real."

   Rebekah said, " Yes, they are. We know that because we are vampires, except Nik. Kol, Elijah, and I are the Original Vampires. Stefan and Katerina are just regular vampires. Nik is well a more complicated story."

   I said, " This is all complicated, and confusing. Vampires are just myths."

   Elijah said, " They aren't myths. They are real. Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires are real. It would be better if we explain it from the beginning."

   I nodded for him to continue. Elijah said, " In the beginning, our family was human. We were happy. That was until, one night our youngest brother had died from the villages greatest threat, wolves. Our father forced our mother to turn us into Vampires. Our father gave us wine laced with blood, that night. He shoved his sword through our hearts, killing us. When we woke, our father forced us to drink more blood to finish the transition. We then became the superior species. What our parents didn't anticipate, was the weaknesses. The sun burned our skin, our mother made us daylight rings. The tree that gave us life, could take it away, so we burned it to the ground. The flowers at the base of the tree, burned to the touch, and prevents compulsion. The villagers could shut us out of their homes. Then, there was the insatiable need for blood. When Niklaus killed for the first time, we became known of his real father. His father was a werewolf chief of our village. When he killed, he activated his curse. The wolf gene stays dormant till you kill a human for the first time. Our father hated this, and killed the wolf, and his whole family, and our mother in the process. We had ran, and our father followed us, until ten years ago. We were able to kill him for good, but not before he killed our eldest brother, Finn."

    I said, " Wow. So, what I'm a vampire?"

   Kol said, " No, darling. You are in transition. It's your choice, either drink blood to become a vampire or die for good."

    Rebekah said, " You have until tomorrow to choose."

   I said, " How did I become this?"

  Katerina said, " That is my fault. I have been putting my blood in your coffee, every morning in Paris. We had gotten close, and I didn't want something bad to happen to you. But, you have a choice now."

    I said, " I will do it."

   Klaus said, " Don't you want to think about this, love?"

   I said, " Well, I don't want to die. I want to live, even if that means forever."

    Katerina disappeared within a second, and returned a second later. She had blood bags in her hand. She handed me three, and I took a deep breath. I opened one, and drank it. This was good. My gums hurt more, and I felt fangs. I opened the next and drank it, same with the next after that. I finished drinking the blood.

   Stefan said, " How do you feel?"

   I said, " A bit weird, but good."

   They nodded. Rebekah said, " You should get some rest, Caroline. We will have to teach you how to control your bloodlust, tomorrow."

   I nodded, and went upstairs to my room. I changed into my pjs, and laid down on the bed. I went to sleep.

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