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Caroline's POV
   It has been a month, and we can't find a way to wake Davina. Elijah has brought witches to the compound, and they could only tell us that the harvest needed to be finished. We had moved into the compound. We don't want her to die. We are looking for another way. Esther still hast contacted me. I call out to her every night and nothing.

      Kol has barely slept. He seems to like Davina. I haven't slept in the passed two weeks. I had finally fell asleep, last night. Klaus has been trying to get me to take a break, but I won't.

  Anyway, I had that weird dream thing.


   I was in the courtyard of the compound. Esther was standing there. I said, " Esther. I have been trying to contact you. Why weren't you answering?"

   She said, " I just heard about your predicament. I didn't answer you because of Mikael. He has been trying to get each witch to try and bring him back. I had to keep him away from the witches."

   I said, " He can't come back. Davina and I made sure of it. She won't wake, Esther. Each day, blood drips out of her nose."

    She said, " Well, the only way I know would be to finish the harvest. She should've woken, if the magic that she had was all hers. You didn't pass out because it was my magic in you, I gifted my magic to you. Davina's magic that she had was all taken from the other girls, it should've went back into the earth."

   I said, " In order to finish the harvest, she has to die. Isn't there any other way?"

  She sighed and said, " There is, but it will take most of your power. You should channel Niklaus."

   I said, " Why Klaus?"

   She said, " You and he have a personal connection. He is also the most powerful supernatural creature. He is the Original Hybrid. Channel him."

    I said, " I will. What is the spell?"

  She said, " The spell is ledi Vita Lemas cormala."

    I said, " Got it."

   Esther said, " Be careful, Caroline. This spell is dangerous for you and Davina. Make sure you have something of hers, while doing the spell. Hold the item above the body, and chant. That way her souls comes back, and not someone else's."

   I said, " Got it. Bye Esther."

  I closed my eyes.

End of dream.

   I sat up, and gasped. I got out of bed, and went to Klaus's wing of the house. I didn't really care, I was in my pjs. I knocked on his bedroom door.

   After a few minutes, he opened the door. He was shirtless, and wearing pajama pant. His hair looks like he ran his hair through it, and he has a sleepily look.

    He said, " What is the meaning of you knocking this morning?"

    I said, " Morning to you, too. Grumpy."

  He said, " Whats so urgent, love?"

   I said, " I need your help, to bring Davina back."

    He said, " You found a way."

   I said, " Esther finally contacted me. She told me to finish the harvest, at first. She then told me about this spell that can wake her."

    He said, " Well, let me get dressed, and meet me in Davina's room."

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