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Caroline's POV
     It has been two weeks since I first came here. Rebekah has been helping me control my bloodlust the first week, till I finally controlled my bloodlust. She told me that I was controlling it faster, than what her siblings did.

      Kol has been helping me with my magic. Everything is good. Today, Klaus is training me. Anyway, I woke up and put on my yoga pants, my blue crop top, and my black heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I got a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it.

     Kat came into the kitchen and said, " Klaus is waiting in the foyer for you."

    I said, " Got it."

  Kat said, " Be careful. He is the most strongest Original besides Elijah. Elijah is the only one that is as strong as Klaus."

   I said, " I will, Kat."

    She nodded. I walked out of the kitchen and to the foyer. Klaus was standing in the foyer.

   He said, " Let's go, Love."

   I nodded and followed him out the back door. We walked into the woods and into a clearing.

     I said, " Why are we out here in the woods?"

   He said, " Love, we are out here for training, and Elijah doesn't want the backyard or the garden messed up."

    I said, " You don't seem like you listen to Elijah, All the time."

  He chuckled and said, " Elijah acts like he is the patriarch of the family. He is the noble one. Kol is wild. Rebekah always falls in love easily, and ends up getting her heart broken."

   I said, " What about you?"

   He said, " I'm more destructive than my siblings. I kill without remorse. I will hurt anyone that comes after my family. I have a temper I cannot control."

   I nodded, and he said, "Alright. Enough talking. Try and take me down."

    I nodded and sped at him, but hit a tree.

       He moved out of the way, when u ran at him. He was laughing from behind me.

      I turned around and he said, " Sorry, love. Gotta be quicker than that."

     I said, " You are an ass."

   He was just standing there smirking. I sped at him again, and he moved again. I fell face first into the ground. He was chuckling.

   I smirked and grabbed a tree branch, and threw it at him. He caught it before it hit him.

  He said, " Nice try, love."

    He threw the tree branch back at me, and it went into my shoulder. I pulled the branch out of my shoulder and dropped it to the ground. I sped at him and he moved, again.

    5 hours later, we were still fighting. He threw multiple branches in my thigh, arm, shoulder, and stomach. I threw a couple branches in his shoulder, and stomach.

      I sped at him, and grabbed his neck. I held him against the tree and he smirked.

      He said, " You are getting better, love."

    He flipped us. He had pinned my arms above my head, against the tree. He was a little more stronger than me.

   I struggled against his grip and he smirked. He said, " You giving up, love."

   I said, " Not a chance."

  He said, " Your a fighter, and strong, Sweetheart."

    I kicked him in his stomach, and he let go of my arms. He backed away, and smirked.

   He said, " You are lucky. Most people i would've killed for everything you threw at me."

   I said, " Why didn't you?"

  He said, " You are our only hope, apparently to kill whoever is coming after us."

   I said, " Is that all?"

  He said, " Yes, love."

   I said, " We should get back to the house."

  He nodded and we walked back to the house. We talked and laughed. Klaus isn't that bad. We walked inside the house, and Kat was standing there, with her arms crossed and smirking.

  Klaus said, " I will leave you girls, alone. Goodnight, love."

   I smiled and said, " Goodnight, Klaus."

  He smirked and went upstairs.

         Kat stood there smirking, still. I said, " What is it?"

   She said, " It seems like you and Klaus are getting cozy."

   I said, " We were just training, and talking. What's the big deal?"

        She said, " The big deal is you and Klaus were gone for quite a while. You never know, what could stir in that time."

    I said, " Nothing, was stirring. He was helping me fight. Now, I have to get a shower, I have blood and dirt all over me."

   She said, " Fine. We are not done talking about this."

   I said, " Theres nothing to talk about."

    I went upstairs to my room. I got in the shower. After my shower, I put on my pjs. I walked into my room, and nearly had a heart attack. Kat, and Bekah were in my bed sitting. I said, " Jeez! You girls scared me!"

     I went and sat down on my bed. I said, " What are you both doing in here, anyway?"

      Kat said, " We are here to talk about what is going on between you and Klaus."

    I said, " There's nothing going on."

    Bekah said, " Are you sure?"

   I said, " Yes."

  Kat said, " It's not what it seemed like earlier. You were giggling, and blushing each time he looked at you. I seen you both walk into the house, and it seemed like you like each other."

   I said, " We don't like each other. We were just talking. That's it."

  Bekah said, " Alright. You may not like him, yet."

   I said, " Weren't you the one that told me he was a bad boy, and I shouldn't go for him?"

   Bekah said, " Yeah, that was before you turned. It was when you were human, I mostly didn't want you to find out about us."

    I said, " Okay. Go. I am tired."

    Kat smirked and said, " Tried from all that woodsy time together."

   I laughed and said, " We were fighting, that's it. Now, goodnight, girls."

   They nodded, and left my room. I laid down, and went to sleep.

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