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Caroline's POV
    It has been 3 days, and Paris is amazing. Katerina, Rebekah and I have become friends. But it feels like there is something they are hiding, from me. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my jeans, and my Black crop top, and my black heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen. Katerina and Rebekah were drinking coffee. I poured come coffee into a cup, and took a sip.

    Rebekah's phone rang, and walked out of the kitchen. Katerina said, " How did you sleep, Caroline?"

   I said, " Good."

  Katerina said, " So, did you want to see the Eiffel Tower?"

  I said, " Yeah. I have always been wanting to see it."

   Katerina said, " Sorry, we didn't see it the last three days. We just wanted to show you our favorite parts of the city."

   I said, " It's fine. It is amazing here."

  She nodded, and I took a couple more sips of my coffee. Rebekah came back into the kitchen with a sad face. I said, " Whats wrong?"

  Rebekah said, " Kat and I have to go back to New Orleans. It's an emergency."

   I said, " Oh."

  Katerina said, " Caroline, Did you want to go with us?"

   I said, " No. It's an emergency for you both, not me. I'm fine, here."

   Rebekah said, " Just keep in mind. If you ever show up in New Orleans, give us a call."

    I nodded. Rebekah and Katerina walked out of the kitchen. I drank all of my coffee, and walked to the living room. Someone knocked on the front door.

   I went over and opened it. There was this man standing there. I said, " Who are you?"

    The man said, " Sorry. I'm Diego. You are?"

    I said, " I'm Caroline. What did you need?"

   Diego said, " Marcel sent me to Send a message to Rebekah."

  Then he snapped my neck, and everything went black.

   Rebekah's POV
       I heard someone at the front door. I listened closer, and recognized the voice. It was Diego with Caroline. I sped to the front door, and he wasn't there. Caroline was laying on the floor. I bent down beside her, and didn't hear a heart beat. He snapped her neck.

    I said, " Kat!!"

    Kat sped to the foyer, and said, " What is it?"

   She seen Caroline and her face dropped. She said, " Is she dead?"

   I said, " Yes."

   Kat said, " Who did this?"

   I said, " It was Diego, but I know who sent him. I heard someone at the front door, and recognized the voice. I'm going to kill him. Nik and Elijah said that Marcel was quiet for the past few days. How did he know where we were?"

  Kat said, " Don't worry, she is going to be fine."

   I said, " What do you mean? What did you do?"

  She said, " For the passed 3 mornings, I have been putting my blood in with the coffee. That way if something does happen to her, she is a vampire. She is nice, and full of light."

   I said, " That's why she shouldn't be a vampire, KAT! Being a vampire will ruin her life. We never should of invited her to stay here with us, or get friendly with her. Everyone we try and get close to dies. We shouldn't of gotten close."

   She said, " Beks, she was nice. She was different. There is something interesting about her. I don't know what it is. There is something about her."

   I said, " I'm going to find Diego. I have a feeling, as to where he is."

  She nodded, and I flashed out of the house. I flashed to this abandoned house right outside of Paris. I went inside, and heard Diego talking on the phone.

   He was saying, " It's done. It wasn't exactly either of the two. But it was someone that was close to them."

  He hung up the phone. I flashed to him, and held him in a head lock. I said, " Why did Marcel send you to do his dirty work?"

  Diego stumbled and laughed. I ripped his heart out of his chest. He fell desiccated to the floor. I dropped his heart, and wiped the blood off of my hand. I flashed back to the house, and Kat was sitting in the living room, and Caroline was on a couch.

    I said, " Diego is dead."

   Kat said, " Good. What are we going to do about Caroline?"

   I said, " I don't know. It might be a while till she wakes. When she transitions, she can't go out in the day, so we can't go back to New Orleans."

  Kat said, " What do you mean, When? It will be what she chooses."

   I said, " So, now she has a choice! You are the one that was having her drink your blood, without her knowing!"

   Kat said, " I was doing it to protect her. I didn't want her to actually die!"

    I sighed, and my phone rang. It was Elijah. I answered and said, " Hello, Brother."

  Elijah said, " Are you on the Jet, yet?"

    I said, " About that. We have a serious problem."

   Elijah sighed and said, " Whats this problem?"

    I said, " Well, Kat and I became friends with this girl. She is nice, and different. She is staying with us in Paris. Before you even say anything, she isn't aligned with Marcel or any of our enemies. She was human."

  Elijah said, " Was? What happened Rebekah?"

   I said, " Diego showed up and she answered the door. He snapped her neck. I went and killed him."

   Elijah said, " Did Diego say anything? Like what he wanted?"

   I said, " Nope."

  Elijah said, " What happened to the girl?"

   I wouldn't answer, and he said, " Rebekah, What happened to the girl?"

   I said, " Well, she is dead, for now."

   Elijah said, " Which one of you fed her your blood?"

   I said, " Don't even dare, put the blame on me. Kat had been secretly putting her blood in the coffee. So, it was your girlfriend you can be mad at."

  Elijah sighed and said, " The girl, did she wake, yet?"

   I said, " Nope. She was only dead for like thirty minutes."

   Elijah said, " Bring the girl to the jet. Bring her to New Orleans."

   I said, " Elijah, are you sure? Won't she wake in the Jet?"

   Elijah said, " She might, when you land. Get here quickly, now."

   He hung up, and I sighed. Kat said, " Whats going on?"

  I said, " We have to pack Caroline's things, and bring her to the jet. She is going to New Orleans with us. We aren't supposed to tell her anything till we get to the plantation house."

  She nodded, and sped up to Caroline's room. I brought Kat's and my bags into the car. A few minutes later, Kat flashed down with Caroline's bags. She put them in the car, and I picked Caroline up. I carried her to the car, and laid her in the back seat. I drove us to the jet. Kat carried Caroline onto the plane, and laid her down on the couch.

We sat down, and the plane soon took off.

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