Quarter is Back!

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Caroline's POV
It is the end of the week, and everything is good. Marcel has mostly been to keeping to himself. I haven't really seen anyone else. Kat, and I text, sometimes. I have mostly been going around the quarter, and shopping.

Anyway, I woke up, and someone was knocking on my apartment door. I got out of bed, and walked through the apartment to the door. I opened the door, and Marcel was there.

I stepped aside and let him in. I closed the door, and Marcel said, " I know you said that we are just friends, but would you like to go on a date with me, tonight?"

I said, " Marcel, we agreed to be just friends. Why are you asking?"

He said, " It's part of the plan. Tonight, I am clearing out the compound for a 'date'. I sent word to the vampire that Klaus compelled, to say that to him. The vampire isn't compelled anymore, thanks to Davina. Klaus and no doubt his siblings will show up. So, will you go on this fake date with me?"

I said, " Got it. We can talk more, once I get dressed. Make yourself comfortable."

He nodded, and I went to my room. I put on my blue jeans, with my red crop top, and my black heels. I walked to the kitchen, and seen Marcel looking at a picture frame. It was of me, Bonnie, and Elena of when we were in high school.

He said, " Why does she look familiar?"

He pointed to Elena. I said, " What do you mean? That's Elena, my best friend, since we were kids."

He looked more at the picture, and his face was a shocked expression.

I said, " What is it?"

He said, " She looks like Kathrine Pierce, my old ally, till I found out she was with the Mikaelsons. Are you sure that is your friend from childhood? She looks just like her."

I said, " Yes. That's Elena, Me, and Bonnie. We grew up together. We had sleep overs, and talked about boys. We were all happy, till we got out of high school. We all went out separate ways. Elena went to New York, and Bonnie went Traveling with her boyfriend and his friend."

He said, " Okay. Do you still keep in contact with them?"

I said, " Do you mean do they know, I am a vampire? No. I still keep in contact with Bon. Elena is busy with being a doctor. Bon is the only one that I still talk to every week."

  He nodded, and he put the picture down. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it. I said, " So, what else did you want to talk about?"

   He said, " Well, our date is supposed to look real. The compound will be cleared out, and we will have dinner, and then drinks. We have to make it look believable till they show up."

   I said, " Got it. Anything else?"

   He said, " Nope. I have to go set the compound up. Pick you up at 5:30."

   I said, " Sounds great."

     He nodded and left my apartment. I pulled out my phone, and texted Elijah.

C- Marcel asked me out.

E- What do you mean?

C- That date, we talked about the other day. Well, he just asked me out. It's a fake date, so don't get Klaus all worked up.

E- Niklaus still won't like this.

C- He doesn't have a choice. You know what don't tell him. It will make him less paranoid, if he doesn't know.

E- Niklaus cares, and doesn't want anything to happen to you.

  C- Elijah, don't tell him, please.

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