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Caroline's POV
   I woke up and put on my shorts and my blue tank top, with my black heels. I went to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge. I drank it, and made some coffee. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Elijah.

E- When you find out where and who this witch is? And her secret weapon. Meet us at the house.

C- Got it. Anything else?

E- Wear something nice. Niklaus has a surprise for you.

C- What surprise?

E- Can't tell.

C- Elijah, please.

E- Nope.

C- I will keep bugging till I get an answer.

E- Have fun getting an answer.

C- Fine. Bye Elijah.

E- Bye Care Bear.

C- Kat told you?

  E- No.

C- Then how did you know about that name?

E- I am Katerina.

  C- You took Elijah's phone?!

E- Yep.

C- Got it. Bye Kat.

E- Bye Caroline.

    I drank some coffee. I suddenly seen Esther sitting in my living room. I went and sat down on the couch. I said, " So, what are you doing here?"

   She smiled and said, " You are truly good for my son. Niklaus never loved easily, it usually took time. When I seen him with you, you are both a perfect match. You are full of light, and he needs light Jan his life."

   I smiled, and said, " So, what did you need?"

    She said, " Oh, yes. The witch is going to sense that you are a Vampiric Witch. Witches can sense it when you are in the same room as them."

   I said, " Okay. How am I going to not have her sense it?"

  She said, " My grimoire that Kol gave you. Bring it here."

   I nodded, and got off the couch. I went to my room, and into the closet. I got the box, on the floor, and grabbed the grimoire out of it. I went to the living room, and sat down. Esther said, " Alright. The spell is in there."

  I said, " Which on is it?"

   She said, " Well, I can't open it. It should be towards the back."

   I nodded, and opened the book, towards the back. I flipped pages, and soon Esther said, " Stop. That's it."

   I looked at the spell, and it seemed pretty easy, other than the witches hazel. I said, " Where is the witches hazel?"

  She said, " You will have to go to the voodoo shop, and get that one. Do you have the vervain that is needed?"

   I said, " Yes."

  She said, " Good. See you again, soon."

   I said, " Bye, Esther."

Esther smiled, and faded away. I got off the couch, and sped out of my apartment. I went inside the voodoo shop, and looked around for witches hazel. After a few minutes I found it, and paid for it. I sped back to my apartment, and grabbed a bowl. I started mixing the witches hazel, and the vervain, and the other ingredients.

    I finished mixing it, and said the spell in Latin. After a few minutes the mix, turned into liquid. I took a deep breath and drank it. I guess, it worked. I can't really feel anything.

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