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Caroline's POV
Someone said, " Isn't this adorable? The bastard of a son is in love!"

I pulled away from Klaus, and he had a confused expression on his face.

Klaus said, " Whats wrong, love?"

I looked behind me, and there was Mikael. I said, " Mikael. What are you doing here?"

Mikael said, " I came to talk with you."

I said, " How are you able to contact me? Only Esther is able to."

He said, " I have a witch or two on my side."

I said, " I'm surprised they actually side with a sniveling, asshat like you."

He said, " I came to have a peaceful conversation. Could you bring me back to life? I won't harm you or any of my children."

I said, " I don't believe you. You will always go after your children because you hate what they had become after you turned them. You are the reason why they became the monsters. In the beginning, They never wanted to be vampires. Now, they love being vampires. They changed from the monsters that you were chasing for a thousand years. They are good, and have people that love and care about them."

Mikael sneered and said, " Really? They changed? I doubt that. They will always be the most feared supernatural creatures and I will stop at nothing to destroy them."

I said, " Goodbye, Mikael. Have fun trying to come back. I made it that you cannot come back."

He said, "Mark my words girl, I will find a way to come back, and destroy my children, and you!"

I rolled my eyes and Mikael faded and disappeared.

Klaus said, " Whats going on, love?"

I looked at him and sighed. I said, " Esther sometimes shows up, to talk with me if she needs to. But this time it was Mikael."

Klaus said, " What did he want?"

I said, " He wanted something, that will never happen. He wanted me to bring him back to life. I told him no."

Klaus said, " He isn't going to find a way back to life."

I said, " I know. Let's get back to the party."

Klaus smirked and I said, " So, you proposing to me, was what has been taking most of your time?"

He said, " Yes, love. Elijah, Stefan, and Bekah helped me pick out a perfect ring. Elijah and Stefan were trying to keep me from going insane. I was nervous, to be honest."

I said, " You were nervous? The Original Hybrid? Niklaus Mikaelson, is that you?"

He chuckled and said, " I was nervous. I didn't know if you would eventually figure it out, or if you wouldn't want to marry me."

I said, "Nik, I love you. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you."

He said, " You just called me Nik."

I said, " Sorry. Bekah, and Kol are rubbing off on me."

He smiled and said, " I like it. You are calling me Nik from now on."

I smiled and pecked his lips. We walked back to the party. Kat, Bekah, Kol, Stefan, Davina and Elijah were at the table.

Bekah said, " Congrats. I finally get a sister!"

Kat said, " I take offense to that. Congrats."

I said, " How did you know, Kat?"

She said, " Elijah told me when he took me to dance, when Klaus was taking you away from the party. Im surprised you both came back. Usually, when you both leave a party, you never come back. Instead, everyone heard the screaming and growling over the music."

I blushed and hid my face in Niks chest. Elijah said, " Katerina."

Kat said, " What? It's true. Once those two disappear, the party is over. We are stuck, listening to them for hours."

I looked at Kat, and said, " What about you and Elijah? We heard you plenty of times. It doesn't seem like he isn't all that gentlemanly ness, when you and him go to his wing. I recall many times, where you and Elijah were making out, and all over each other, when all of us were in the room. Elijah's office, and your room, has been renovated many times."

Kat was about to say something, but Stefan said, " Stop. No need to go at each other. It's Christmas Eve. We are supposed to be having fun."

I said, " Stefan's right."

Kol said, " Congrats, Nik, and Caroline. Now, I have a sister, I can actually tolerate."

Bekah said, " Kol! I thought I was your favorite sister."

Kol said, " Not anymore. Caroline is my favorite. At least she likes to play video games with me."

I said, " I always beat you."

Bekah huffed, and her and Stefan went to the bar. Kol said, " I will beat you one of these times, Forbes. Or shall it be Mikaelson?"

I laughed, and said, " I'm not a Mikaelson, yet."

Kol said, " Give it time, you shall soon be a Mikaelson."

Kat said, " Now, Davina is our next sister."

Davina said, " What? I am not dating Kol."

I said, " Keep saying that. Trust me, won't last long. Just give him a chance."

Davina sighed, And took a sip of her drink. Nik said, " Love, would you care to dance?"

I said, " I would love to."

I took his hand, and we went to the dance floor. We danced, and he said, " You know, you are going to have to meet the factions."

I said, " Alright. But, why exactly?"

He said, " Well, I am King of New Orleans, and you are to be my queen. The Supernatural world should know their soon to be queen."

I said, " Alright. Just not tonight. I want to spend tonight with you. It's the only time, I get to have with you."

He said, " I'm sorry, about not spending much time with you, my love."

I said, " It's fine. I understand. You were busy with the factions, and enlisting Bekah's, Elijah's and Stefan's help for you proposing to me. Did you tell Stefan not to tell me, anything about why you were busy?"

He said, " I admit. I told him not to tell you what we were doing, and keep it a secret. I told Elijah not to tell Katerina."

I said, " Why couldn't he tell Kat?"

He said, " Katerina would've blabbed her mouth. She doesn't know how to keep a secret."

I laughed and said, " That's true."

We danced, till the party was over. Everyone went their separate ways. Nik and I went to our room, and were all over each other.

The End, Maybe!!

  I hope you like it! The sequel is called, resurrection!!!

      I have another new Klaroline story called There's A Whole World Out There (Klaroline). If you haven't already check out my other 6 Klaroline Stories.

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