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No one's POV:

"You have no right to be here, Jennie!" Jisoo spat angrily.

"I'm still her mother, Unnie. Move." her eyes welled up in tears but still managed to speak sternly.

"Mother?!" Jisoo scoffed. "You never even cared about her! You never even once looked at her the day she was born! You don't know anything about her and now you have the audacity to be here and tell me that you were her mom?! She got in that car accident because of waiting for you!" Jisoo couldn't contain her emotions.

"W-what?" Jennie's tears finally fell.

"Didn't you hear? Because of you. You promised her that you'll pick her up since I was at a business trip. A simple promise that she hoped you'll do."

"I- It must've slipped m-my mind. The meeting was held for little more hours then we had a talk with my coworkers I l-lost track of time." Jennie ran her hands through her hair. Rush of guilt and regret has built up inside her.

Jennie's mom and dad came rushing with worried face, who just came from a vacation. They looked like they haven't slept.

"How's my granddaughter?" Jennie's mom said worried.

"She's still in the OR, mom. Let's wait." Jisoo explained. They took a seat waiting for the doctor to come out.

Jennie couldn't calm her thoughts. She was worried, guilty, nervous and regretting every second she did when not paying attention to her daughter.

Few hours later the doctor came out of the operation room. They all stood up with anticipated eyes. Both worry and relief are what they were feeling.

"How's my daughter, Doc?" Jennie immediately asked.

"She's fine. Just a fractured arm, some bruises and wounds on her head but she'll be alright. You can go to her room now. She's now being transferred to her room." the doctor smiled. They all sighed in relief and thanked the doctor.

"And uhm. We'll have to talk to the patient immediately after she wakes up. We notice some cuts of her wrist. Does any of knows about this?" Jennie felt numb, her knees went weak. She leaned her body to the wall for support. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Cuts? On my daughter's wrist? Jennie thought.

"N-no. But thank you. We'll call you immediately." Jennie's dad said. The doctor nodded and left with the nurses.

They immediately went to her room with relieved faces. They slowly opened the door seeing a sleeping girl with a cast on her arm and a bandage wrapped around her head.

Jennie shakily went close to her daughter fighting the tears falling from her eyes. She held her daughters hand and kissed her forehead lingering it for a few seconds.

"Oh, Kaylee. My baby. I'm so sorry." she apologized. She pulled up her sleeves and saw old and new cuts on her daughter's arm and wrist making her cry harder.

"I'm sorry. This is all mommy's fault. I'm sorry I was a bad mother." she kept on apologizing. Her parents rubbed her back looking at their daughter and grandchild with sad eyes.

"Shh. She's okay now." Jennie's mom comforted her.

"Gramma?" a soft but weak voice called. Jennie's head shot up.

"Hey. It's me. Mom is here." she smiled sadly to the teen.

"I don't wanna wake up now." Kaylee smiled weakly. Jennie's heart broke from her daughter's statement.

"Why not?" she asked softly.

"My mom is here." Kaylee smiled. Jennie broke into tears.

"I don't mind getting trapped in this dream." she added. Jennie shook her head.

"No, baby. Mommy's here. Mommy's really here. You're not dreaming." she explained.

Jisoo went at the other side of the bed. She kissed her niece's forehead.

"She's right. You're not dreaming, Kaylee. I'm so glad you're okay. You had me worried." Jisoo's tears fall.

"No. I am. I always have this kinds of dreams where mommy loves me. She beside me. In the real world I'm invisible to her eyes." hearing this words come out of her mouth just crushed Jennie more and more. Her parents and sister were also heart broken from the teen's words.

"You're not dreaming, Kaylee." she convinced her daughter.

"Really? Then when's my birthday?" Jennie felt cold. Her daughter's birthday. She forgot. How can you be so stupid, Jennie?! She scolded herself. Jisoo looked at her sister with anticipation, hoping that she knows her daughter's birthday.

"It's true. I'm literally not dreaming." Kaylee sighed. Jennie was so guilty right now she couldn't form any words. Jisoo and her parents looked at her disappointed. She was never even there whenever it's Kaylee's birthday.

"I-" Jennie tried to speak but she was cut off.

"Please, leave. I want to rest some more. Only Aunt Jisoo and the doctor can go in." Kaylee said coldly taking back her hand from Jennie's grasp and turned her back.

They couldn't do anything but follow the girls request and went out. When they left the room Kaylee sobbed burying her head on her pillow. She was upset that even her special day was forgotten about her mom. She had always tried to understand her but now she don't know anymore.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN HER BIRTHDAY IS?!" Jisoo said in disbelief.

"What the fuck, Jennie?! What do I expect?" Jisoo scoffed. "You were never even there for her birthdays. You were busy clubbing and working. I can't fucking believe you!" Jennie just kept her head down she knows that Jisoo was right.

"Every time she celebrates her birthday do you know what she wishes for ever since she was a kid?" Jennie shook her head no.

"She said, 'I wish mom will come home.' 'I wish mom loves me.' 'I wish she's here.' you were that she wanted, Jennie. But even that you couldn't give her." Jennie fell down on her knees not knowing what to do. She was so selfish. She wanted to forget Kaylee's dad so much that she also forgot her daughter.

She lives her life and became a successful model but she forgot her child. Jennie lives with her parents and sister so Kaylee lives with them too. But every time she comes home, she couldn't even look at her daughter. She will always make excuses like 'I'm busy' 'Ask your aunt' 'mom/dad is there you ask them' 'Don't bother me.'

Her tears just kept on falling. The doctors came to check up on Kaylee and Jennie was still outside. Jisoo had already fed her and changed cleaned her. She could only rely on Jisoo's words. The doctor went out and Jennie was waiting for his diagnosis.

"Kaylee has severe depression. We have to arrange her an appointment to a therapist and prescribe her some medicines. You can ask the therapist later for more information. So, if you'll excuse me I have another surgery." the doctor bowed.

"Thank you, doc." the two siblings bowed back. Their parents went home since they just got back from their trip and immediately took a flight home when they heard the incident.

Jisoo sighed heavily leaning her back against the wall. Jennie slightly opened the door to check on Kaylee if she was okay. She saw a sleeping figure and closed the door slowly.

"What do I do, Unnie?" Jennie fell in her sisters arm. Jisoo hugged her and they sat down. 

They stayed there for a while when Jennie's phone rang.

Calling Ms. Lisa Manoban

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