Chapter Seven

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The rest of the week was almost the same, classes, classes, and more classes. It was hell-tiring to keep up with the schedule and get notes for the missed lectures. And in between all that, I couldn't ignore the stares I was getting from Jake. At first, I thought it was my imagination, but no, it wasn't.

And there was still the party I had to attend, not to mention I didn't know where it was happening. Why did I even agree? To my surprise, my nerd friend Elijah was looking forward to the party. He took it on himself to cover the rest of the details, and I had other things that needed my attention.

On Saturday evening, when I woke up from my power nap, which extended from fifteen minutes to 2 hours, I saw Leah getting ready. Of course, I wasn't the only one invited to the party.

"Oh! Good, you are awake. I was going to wake you anyway," Leah said while tossing clothes from her closet. Her bed never looked that messier. She was excited about the party. Tough life she had, perks of being with the handsome guy.

"Amy, what do you think?" she asked with bright, hopeful eyes. I noticed she had applied thick makeup on her face with raving red lipstick and thick kohl liner on her eyes. Her long black hair was ironed straight and was complimenting her tan skin. She looked hot, but her innocence was missing, which didn't appease me. I had grown close to her over the week, and she was beautiful and loving. And I didn't want to spoil that sparkling eyes of hers, the only thing that showed her true self. So I settled for, "It will look good on you." That lit her face up.

I picked up my cellphone, which had a couple of texts and a missed call. The call was from my mom, and the messages were from Elijah. I punched in a quick reply to Elijah confirming his plans to pick me up in exactly twenty minutes and decided to give a call to my mom before leaving for the party.

"Are you sure? You don't want a ride," she asked, securing her dress. The dress was too short for my liking. It was a black bodycon which barely reached her thighs. Her bare tan legs were on full display. I could tell from the way she tried adjusting that it wasn't what she preferred. But it wasn't my place to comment either. "Jake is going to pick me up in ten minutes. If you wanna join us, I can ask him to wait."

"Thanks, Leah, but I'm going with Elijah," I tried subtly to reject her friendly gesture. It was enough that I was going to the party but going with him would have been too much. I wasn't ready for his snarky comments, at least not yet.

I quickly scanned my side of the closet and picked up something not very catchy for the occasion, A pair of black jeans and a plain white shirt, not forgetting the leather jacket.

"Jake is here. I'll meet you at the party," she said, pausing at the doorframe to give a glance at my outfit. "You look ...decent. You can borrow some of my makeup. I left it on my bed." I guess she wanted to say something else.

"Thank you," I responded and waved her off. After she left, I checked myself up and looked at the makeup box she left for me. I thought a little mascara on my eyelashes and a peach-colored lip tint wouldn't be too much.

I secured my brown wavy hair into a messy bun, allowing some loose strands to hang freely on my face. Indeed I looked decent. My phone started buzzing as if on the queue, indicating that my ride had arrived. I took a deep breath and headed out of the dorm, not forgetting to grab my purse and put on my sneakers.

One thing I did forget, though, was to give a call to my mom.

How the night was going to turn out, only the devil knew. But I was ready for a new experience.

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