Chapter 1, "Asshole"

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Harry's POV

I can't believe I let those elderly ladies fiddle with my hair for that long. "Fuck Me!" I yelled out loud, but then quickly apologized. I was going to be late for the show. The boys are gonna kill me.

"Harry!!! Omg! Harry can I please get a picture," a young girl said, taking out her phone.

"Uhh sure," I replied, quickly smiling.

When the light changed I quickly ran across the crosswalk. Several cars started honking. God I love London. I must've forgotten to look ahead of me because I suddenly bumped into this girl.

"Asshole!" She shouted.

She had on shades so I'm assuming she didn't see me. I wanted to run off but I wasn't going to prove her point by actually being an asshole.

"Urm hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah some people are just jerks."

"Yeah," I said smirking.

I kneeled down to help her pick up her things. She had multiple books and a MP3 player. I grabbed the MP3 player and noticed she was listening to The Chain by Fleetwood Mac.

"Holy Cow! This is my favorite song!" I said all excited.

"Great," she replied unamused.

I just smiled and helped her gather the heavy books. When we were done we both stood up. She took off her shades and it was the first time I actually got a good look at her. She was a brown girl with beautiful skin, and round narrowed brown eyes. She had a different type of style that I found pretty cool.

"Thank you btw," she said, grabbing her books out of my hands.

"You're welcome. I'm Harry," I said, reaching out my hand.

She shook my hand, "Jayda. I'm Jayda."

"Nice to meet you Jayda. You shouldn't be carrying all those books. They're heavy."

"It's okay."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't you have a show to get to?"

Damn it. I thought she didn't know me.

"How did you know I was Harry from One Direction?" I asked sighing.

"Well I didn't until I looked over and saw that huge billboard," she said pointing to it.


"Well then. Yes I do have a show to get to and I'm late. Urm nice meeting you Jayda."

She firmly smiled and walked away.

I ran to the building where we were performing. I knew I was going to get pestered for being late, but I don't really care. Honestly I'm tired of doing shows back to back anyway. We all deserve a break.

"Harry where the hell have you been?" Zayn yelled as soon as I got backstage.

"I was coming as fast as I could. I kind of lost track of time."

"It's alright mate. You ready to do this?" Louis said patting me on the back.

"Yeah," I replied with a bright smile.

No matter how tired I am of doing shows back to back, when the time comes to go out on stage I could never be disappointed. I love pleasing crowds and doing music. That will never get old.

"Let's do this," Niall said raising his hand.

"On three," Liam said putting his hand in the middle of us.

"1! 2! 3!" We all shouted.

And on stage we went.

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