Chapter 27, "Break-In"

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Harry's POV

2 days later...

Jayda has been in her head a lot lately. I know she knows that I've noticed, but she just won't let me through. I see her later on today for lunch with the boys. We've been crazy packed lately with photo shoots, rehearsal, and interviews, so we haven't had a lot of alone time.

However, they boys expressed how they missed her being around as well, so I arranged us to go get lunch. Hopefully, if she gets out a bit, she won't feel so unlike herself. I don't think she's been out her house since they day we've dropped her off.

Rehearsal dragged on as usual, but I was just thinking about seeing Jayda.

Jayda's POV

I was excited about seeing Harry and the boys today. It has been a while since I've left my house. I've just been so fearful that someone was going to attack me.

a couple hours later...

I've taken my shower and was picking out an outfit, when I heard something in the living room. From my room, I can only see the walkway towards the living room. I peeked through my bathroom door.

"H?" I yelled through the house.

He should be out of rehearsal by now, but he hasn't texted me. I walked out the room into the living room. My cup of juice I had earlier had been knocked down.

Shit, I thought.

I started cleaning it up when my phone suddenly went off. I started back towards my room.

Harry: Sorry love, rehearsals' taking longer than usual, but we'll still be in time for lunch.

Jayda: Okay, just let me know when you're done.

I went back to the kitchen to clean up the mess. I looked over at my door to notice it was wide open. I became frantic.

"Hello?" I shouted.

My eyes darted towards my spare room. I slowly walked towards the room. I pushed open the door to find nothing there.

I'm just paranoid, I thought. I must've left the door open when I went out to check the mail. Silly me, I thought. I went on getting my outfit together. I looked over to my door to see a figure of a man standing in the door way. I jumped and fell back.

"Who are you?" I said with fear clear in my voice.

Harry's POV

Finally, I thought. Rehearsal was finally over. The boys and I headed to Louis's house to change our clothes.

"Everyone set?" Louis yelled through the house.

"Yeah, let me text Jayda to see if she's ready," I told him".

Harry: We're all done, you ready?

A couple minutes passed by with no reply.

"Everything okay?" Liam asked worried.

"I don't know," I confessed, "She hasn't replied yet."

Jayda's POV

"No, please don't hurt me!" I screamed in agony.

Harry's POV

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