Chapter 19, "Christmas Eve"

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Harry's POV

Today was finally Christmas Eve and I was overly excited, Jayda was finally coming over to my place today. I spend most of my time at her or Louis' place so I figured I'd decorate nicely to surprise her. I bought new furniture and added some small items all around the house. I even put up a stocking with her and my name by the fireplace.

Good job Harry.

To: Jayda

Me: I'm excited to finally have you here.

Jayda: I'm excited to come.

Jayda: So what time should I come?

Me: Now is fine, I'll be over to pick you up soon.

Jayda: Babe it's okay, I'll drive over.

Me: Are you sure? I mean it's no problem.

Jayda: You're always making sure I'm taken care of, I love it but yeah I'm sure. I'll be over in 30.

I smiled at my phone sending her the address and maybe some kisses, she's right I do like to make sure she's taken care of. I looked over at the Christmas tree quickly remembering I have to wrap Jayda's gift before she gets here.

I hurried and pulled out some wrapping paper, tape and scissors. I wasn't the best at wrapping gifts but I sure as hell tried. When I finished I placed the gift under the tree along with the boys. I invited them over tomorrow evening since they wanted to have a Christmas dinner.

I pulled out my phone FaceTiming my mom just to check on her. Her and my step father looked happy to see me as always. I told them Merry Christmas again for the 50th time, but they didn't complain.

****Doorbell rings*******

"I'll talk to you guys later okay, I love you," I smiled, hanging up the phone. I placed it on the table, getting up to answer the door.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hey," I smiled back, gesturing her to come inside.

Once I closed the door she surprised me by grabbing the back of my neck and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Mmm," I teased.

She flirtatiously smiled.

She took a look around the place, almost gasping at everything she saw. She immediately went to the Christmas tree gazing.

"Harry this is amazing, did you do this?"

"Urm well I tried," I gawked.

"You did one hell of a job, everything is great," she gushed.

"Stop," I waved.

She turned giving me a precious smile which made me blush.

"I found these Christmas movies I think we should watch," I said.

"You found Christmas movies?" she asked surprised.

"Yeah, I wanted everything to be perfect."

"It already is," she said, pecking my lips. I wanted to consume her but now isn't the time.

"Come on," she said, grabbing my hand, leading me to the couch.

I turned on the tv and went to Netflix. The movie was called, "A very country Christmas." I watched Jayda more than I watched the movie, she was completely in love with it just as I was with her.

In my opinion the movie was really good and it reminded me a bit of myself, wanting to just be home and away from the fame but I had Jayda and that was enough.

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