Chapter 7, "Reality"

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Jayda's POV

I was woken up to find myself laying in Harry's lap. I gently raised up as he started to wake up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I said with a gentle smile.

"Your sleeping beauty," he said rubbing his eyes.

"So what are your plans for the day?"

"I have rehearsal with the boys and that's about it."

"I have work. So maybe we can hang later?" I asked with a shrug.

"Of course, but there's something I want to talk to you about," he said, turning all the way to face me.

"Okay," I said, paying close attention to him.

"That girl from the concert, I know you two were having a sort of dispute."

I quickly turned away. I knew I would eventually have to tell him.

"You can tell me Jayda, whatever you guys talked about," he said sincerely.

"I was minding my business enjoying the show and she asked me was I your girlfriend because she'd recognized me from the tabloids."


"And then she went on about how I have no chance and how you....."

I paused.

"How i what?" he asked with a concerned look.

"She said you just wanted to have sex with me and I was just a sex toy until you got tired of me and-"

I stopped talking and noticed that Harry looked vulnerable. He looked sad and hurt.

"Jayda- I would never- That's not what I think of you, it's all wrong," he said sorrowfully.

"Harry, hey listen," I said placing my hand on his cheek. "I know you. I know that's not you. I don't care what people say, you know that right?"

     He shook his head but I could tell he was still hurt by what the girl had said. I hate how they portray him, because although I haven't known him that long I know that's not who Harry is. We've been getting closer and closer each day and he has not once tried to get in my pants. They're wrong!

      I wrapped my hands around Harry not wanting to let go, he is the sweetest person ever and the only thing people have to say about him is how cruel he is or how he treats women, all the information is wrong and I wish he didn't have to face it but he's strong, and I'm here with him now.

Harry's POV

      I was rehearsing with the guys when Jake, the assistant stepped in and told me management needed a word with me. I usually never speak to them alone so I could only imagine what they wanted with me.

    I followed Jake down the long hallway into a very secure conference room. When I walked in everybody looked very serious. I couldn't read anyone's expression, they just all stared with a blank face. Mr. Lane, the one in charge was the only one who really seemed amused by my appearance.

"Harry do have a seat," Mr. Lane instructed.

"So what's this about?" I asked politely.

The lady handed Mr. Lane some photos that he pushed my way.

"Recognize these?" He asked skeptically.

I looked at the pictures with a smile once I noticed it was Jayda and I. The paparazzi really got a good shot of us if I'm being honest.

"Of course I do. This is me and Jayda. My friend, I said gleefully.

"Jaaayda? Your friend? Harry cmon. Who you sleep with is your business but at least try not to get caught."

"She is my friend and we're not sleeping together. What's the problem? I asked in confusion.

"Harry, you're in the press once again and it involves a female. This isn't good for the band. I know you're nice to your fans but this can't happen again."

"She's no fan," I said dejected.

"Then what is she because I'm not buying this whole friend thing.. Harry we have things to do here and you know how press eats up the drama with you and women."

"She's not anybody else okay, she's my friend. She's there for me and I can't just stop talking to her."

"Yes you can and you will if you know what's good for you," he said, pointing the finger at me.

I sighed almost in defeat. I wanted to yell and tell him to fuck off but every bone in my body just told me to remain calm.

"How old is she?" He asked indulging the matter.

I crossed my arms looking around, "she's 17."

"17?! For goodness sake Harry what are you doing with her, you're 22. You're party days are over man."

"It's not about age or party days, You wouldn't understand," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"What I do understand is if you want to keep this band together you'll stay away from her, understood?"

       I nodded my head wistfully. I don't understand and I'm never going to understand. First this label doesn't want me to be who I am, now they're deciding who I can be friends with or not. I can't just leave Jayda alone, it's real, she's real and it's a feeling that doesn't just come from anybody.
       I don't want to break the band up with this and I won't, but what happens if I go against what Lane just told me... where does that leave the band and me? I should go tell the boys.

I got up and waved the people off as if nothing had just happened. I ran down the hallway back into the rehearsal studio.

"Guys, I need to talk to you about something," I said nearly panting.

"What's wrong mate?" Louis said getting up followed by Zayn, Niall, and Liam.

"I just spoke with management and they think if I continue to talk to Jayda it will hurt the band and I don't know what to do because I care about you guys of course but I care about her too."

Louis looked like he was going to cry real tears even though my eyes too had watered.

"Man I don't think you should listen to them," Niall said fearlessly.

"Same," Zayn and Louis said in unison.

Liam walked over place his hand on my should, "I say go for it and we'll all deal with the consequences later because we're a family and nothing will happen to this band."

"And we also like Jayda very much too Harry," Niall implied.

I wrapped my arms around all the boys. I'm glad they believe in me and someone that I care about, it gives me hope and it makes me feel grateful being surrounded by people who don't judge me from what they hear or see.

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