Chapter 35, "You've changed"

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2 weeks later

Harry's POV

"Party tonight guys!!" Louis yelled. Jayda and I shot him a puzzled look.

"Aw cmon we've been talking about this for weeks," Louis sighed.

"I remember I just didn't think you were serious," Jayda chuckled.

"Well darling, I'll have you know that everything is in order and set for this magnificent night," Louis smiled.

"Louis, I'm proud of you man," I said, trying not to laugh.

"Oh shutup. Just be ready before 9 lads."

"So the party is going to be here?"

"Yes sunshine try to keep up," he said, walking off to his room. I shook my head in laughter.

"So babe what do you think about this party?"

"I can't wait," she replied with enthusiasm.


"I need to go by the apartment to get more clothes and the mall."

"Then we should probably get the day started hm? It's nearly 2," I said checking my invisible watch.

"Okay," she said plopping up off the couch, me behind her.

We both threw on some sweats and a hoodie which I think is the best thing we could ever wear.

"Anybody need anything, we're going out," I yelled.

"Bring snacks mate!" Louis yelled from his room.

We headed out the door and onto the road.

"The mall or your place first?" I asked.

Jayda has been back to her place a few times. Mostly just to clean it up a bit and grab clothes. We've been at Louis's since the hospital.

"Mall first. I'm sure that'll take the longest," she smiled.

1 hour later...

"Jayda, its almost 4. What else could you possibly be looking for?" I said, her bags stuffed in my hands.

"Babe, you don't understand. I need, but not too much, yet fashionable, but laid back. You know?"

I looked at her in disbelief. She's kidding right?

"Does it matter what you wear? You'll look good in anything."

"Okay Harry. Just one more store please."

It didn't bother me all the clothes she was getting. I just loathe the fact that she won't let me even spend a penny on anything.

"Let's make a deal."

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"If you let me pay for whatever's next, we'll stop at your favorite burger joint on the way back."

I knew how hungry she was and she wasn't going to make it till the party.

"Harry! That's not even fair because you never let me stop and get a burger."

"This time I will. You can get a shake too."

Yeah, there was no way she was refusing this deal.

"Fine...but I'm not getting anything expensive."

We walked around the shop when she suddenly stopped among a dress. It was a plain black dress. It had spaghetti straps and was exposed in the back.

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