Chapter 5 "The Concert Pt.1"

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(3 Days Later)

Harry's POV


Me: So what are you doing tonight?

Jayda: Nothing.

Me: How about you come to the concert.

Jayda: whatttttttttt.

Me: I want you to come. You'll get to see me and the boys perform live for the first time.

Jayda: I was just with you at rehearsal yesterday, but okay I'll come.

Me: Hopefully you don't mind screaming.

Jayda: Righttt. I kinda forgot you guys are the biggest band in the world. I'll be over shortly.

I'm thrilled Jayda's coming tonight. Having her there is just going to make everything even more fun. She's been to two rehearsals so far and she still doesn't seem that amused by our sound. I know she likes it, but not as much as she could.

2 hours before the show

"Hey," Jayda said, walking through the door.

"You look great," I said with a smile.

It's true she did look great. She had on black shorts, a white oversized tee with a quote about boy bands, and some white air forces.

"I didn't exactly know what to wear because I've never been to a concert before," she said in a soft weasel voice.

"Well you did great."

"Hey you look great too. Those girls are gonna flip."

I looked down at my casual black jeans and white T shirt, hmm.

"Thanks," I replied.

Thanks?, really Harry?

The boys started to come downstairs. They all spoke and hugged Jayda while I watched because I didn't get a hug. But it's okay, they like her and that's good.

"Okay let's go guys," our team instructed.

At the concert!!!!


"I don't know why I'm nervous like I haven't done this before," I said, trying to calm down.

"It's alright. Just relax. I know you're an awesome performer. You'll do great like you always do," Jayda said with a smile.

That just made me even more nervous. I felt like I was going to puke. It's tons of people here that I don't want to let down. Especially Jayda, even though I know she wouldn't care how I did on stage. I just don't want to fumble. "God Harry, it's fine just breathe," I kept repeating to myself.

"Hey I should go because I'm front row remember?" Jayda asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Yeah. Okay I'll see you out there," I said with a nervous smile.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, "I believe in you."

Those words stuck with me. Somehow I programmed them into my head. I needed to hear them, and they seemed to come from the right person at the right time.

"Show time boys!," a crew member called out.

Here we go....

While on stage!!!

"Would he hold you when your feeling low? Baby you should know that I would," I sang, looking at Jayda the whole time.

She seemed to be enjoying the show and I couldn't help but keep my eyes on her. Every verse I sang, I found myself glancing at her. I can admit this is one of the best concerts we've done. The crowd is amazing and us boys are on stage having a blast.

Jayda's POV

Okay I have to admit One Direction is absolutely amazing. They're pretty great on stage and I'm having the time of my life in this front row spot. Harry's voice is beautiful, along with the whole group which makes their sound immaculate.

"Hey aren't you Harry's new girlfriend?" a girl beside me asked.

"No. I'm not," I said being friendly.

"Yes you are. We saw you in the tabloids with him."

Right the tabloids. I don't really care about paparazzi taking pictures because I adore my friendship with Harry and of course his fame comes with that, and plus they just want to know who I am. The headlines read, "Click to see Harry hugging mystery girl."

"Yeah we're friends, we're not dating."

"Yeah? Because you have no chance with him you know? He just wants to have sex with you," she said in a sassy tone.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay."

"So you're cool with being Harry's sex toy until he gets tired of you?"

"Is that really what you think of him? Why are you even here if you think he does that to women?"

"I'm here for Niall," she said in a bitchy way.

"Well you've got Harry all wrong, now shutup so I can enjoy the rest of the show," I said, focusing my eyes back on the stage.

I'm glad I did because Harry and I locked eyes. We both started smiling at each other eagerly.  I glanced over to see the girl eyeballing us. Here for Niall, my ass. I can't believe she would say those things about Harry. He's actually opened up to me about what people say about him and I know that's not him at all. He's a great person inside and out.

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