Chapter 33, "Back Home"

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2 days later

Harry's POV

It's now Wednesday and Jayda finally gets to return home today. She's doing so much better and interacting better which is great considering all she went through.

"Babe you know we can stay here until you're ready to leave," I said, packing her bags.

"I'm ready to leave, I hate this bed. H I'm okay stop worrying about me," she cooed.

"Never," I smiled giving her a kiss. "Fine then we'll leave. Should I call the boys?"

"Nope we'll see them when we go to Louis house."

"We're going there?"

"I never want to be in that apartment again, at least not right now."

"I understand."

She climbed out of the hospital bed grabbing her slides. This girl is extraordinary, and I'm glad she's made a speedy recovery.

"Come on," she smiled standing by the door. I laughed grabbing the bags off the bed and walking towards her.

"No more room 12B," she laughed.

After we checked her out, we were confronted by some paps that looked like they were camping outside the hospital. I did my best to cover Jayda but she wasn't trying to be covered.

"I'm fine. I'm okay, recovery was well. Whoever did this to me, I hope you die," she smiled, getting into the car.

The paps ate up her comment asking for more at the car window. She just smiled leaving me confused. Was she serious or was she pretending?

I got into the car, quickly driving off only to pull off down the street.

"Are you okay?" I asked curiously.

"Why wouldn't I be? I feel great."

"What you said back there...?"

"I meant it," she flat out said.

I didn't know what to say so I just gave her a nodding agreement even though I wouldn't agree I want the guy to die. Yes there should be serious consequences but death?

I drove all the way to Louis' house as Jayda played us on the radio. My mind was all over the place, thinking about everything. Wait we have an interview today!

"Fuck me!" I sighed.

"Is that an offer," Jayda smirked. I almost swerved the car looking over at her.

"Eyes on the road," she chuckled.

"Sorry but I just realized we have a interview today. I totally forgot."


"But I'm not going to go. I can't leave you alone."

"It's fine."

"No it's not and it's not going to happen."



"What if I just come with you? You guys have already missed a lot of work and important things because of me."

"You'd come?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Alright, but I hope you know they're going to talk about you and ask questions."

"So answer them."

"Okay," I shrugged.

Once we arrived to Louis' house Jayda and the boys exchanged immediate long hugs. They missed her and she missed them too. Liam kindly grabbed her bags and took them to our room.

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