Chapter 15, "We need to talk"

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Harry's POV:

Next morning...

Jayda and I somehow ended in her bed. After we got back, we got stupid drunk. I was still a bit heated and needed to calm down, and I couldn't exactly do it the way I wanted to. I'm not gonna rush her. Jayda was very understanding, in fact I think she found it arousing.

She was holding me in her arms as I laid on her chest. I looked up at her while she peacefully slept. I didn't want to wake her, but I decided to make her breakfast. Thankfully she didn't even wake up.

I cooked her some french toast, bacon, and hash browns. I even decided to make her some coffee.
I took it to her room and found that she was still asleep. Someone was tired, I thought.

"Wake up love," I whispered.

"Mmmm..." she mumbled.

She fluttered her eyes open and ran her hand across her face. She lifted to cover over her face to hide from the light. This was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"I brought you breakfast," I said bending over her.

She moved the cover down to peek over, then quickly popped up.

"I figured that would make you get up," I laughed.

She eagerly sat up as I placed the plate table over her. She ate without a single word. She must be really hungover.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry," she said covering her mouth.

"It's fine," I laughed, " I know you're hungry."

After she finished up, we watched a couple episodes of "Grey's Anatomy," which she really was into. I had no idea what was going on, something about Mcdreamy or whatever, but I just watched as she engaged.

Zayn: Can we talk bro?

Zayn suddenly texted. I rolled my eyes. Jayda noticed and asked what it was.

"It's Zayn, he wants to talk."

Her face looked worried.

"Don't worry, I'll control myself," I assured her, but I was really just trying to convince myself.

I got up from the bed and took her plates to the kitchen. Once done, I walked back and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll text you later," I said walking out the room.

"Okay, please stay calm," she pleaded.

Zayn is so lucky right now because without Jayda, his face would've been in a cast by now.

30 minutes later...

I pulled up to Louis's house hesitant to get out. If this dude doesn't have an apology for me I'm going to lose it.

I walked in...

"Hey Harry," Louis greeted me, " He's in the backyard."

"Preciate it Lou."

As Louis said, Zayn was in the backyard waiting under the patio.

"Hey Harry, thanks for coming."


"Listen man, I'm sorry. I wasn't in the right head space. I would never intentionally try to hurt you like that," he pleaded.

"Then why Zayn, why did you hit on her? What was your reason then," I said sternly.

"Honestly man, I don't have a good reason. I just saw that you were so happy and I had a couple drinks in my system. I just wanted to feel how you feel."

"Zayn, if you felt some type of way towards Jayda that's all you had to say. You didn't have to hit on her. I guess I didn't realize how bringing her around would affect everyone."

"Harry, that's not your fault. It was all my fault. I'm really truly happy for you and Jayda, I meant what I said before. I'm really happy that she makes you happy, and I promise not to get in the way of that."

"Man bring it in," I said wrapping my arms around him.

We just hugged for a couple of minutes.

"On a serious note though, Zayn I promise you if you ever pull something like that again, that pretty face of yours is going to need some more makeup," I said pulling away.

We began to laugh, but I hope he knew I was dead serious.

"Did the girls make up?" Niall asked as we entered.

We all began to laugh. We could always count on Niall to lighten the mood.

"Boys I need to ask y'all something though," I started.

"Wassup Haz?" Louis said.

"Well Christmas is coming up in a couple of weeks, so I wanted to know what you boys wanted."

"Honestly, I think everyone just wants a Christmas dinner this year, with Jayda of course. This will be y'all's first Christmas together," Liam insisted.

"Yeah, the boys and I were actually talking about this. We just want to have a fun dinner, maybe play some Christmas games," Louis added.

"Okay," I laughed, "I'll inform Jayda."

They boys and I did a little rehearsal for the rest of the day and called it a night. Before I went to sleep, I texted Jayda goodnight.

I peacefully went to sleep thinking about our kiss.

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