Chapter 14 "His friend"

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Jayda's POV

    I watched hilariously as the boys threw the balls at each other playfully and with force. I was happy and everything felt great. Me and Zayn continuously laughed as the boys started falling to the ground dramatically.

"So you and Harry a thing yet?" Asked Zayn.

"No we're still friends," I smiled.

"So then you're available?"

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"I think you're pretty. You and Harry aren't a thing, Maybe you and I could be," he shrugged.

I was speechless like I literally didn't know what to say. He knows how Harry feels about me right? Or doesn't he? Hell does he not know how I feel about Harry?

"So?" he smirked, stepping closer to me.

I looked at his face which seemed pretty serious.

Shit Jayda say something...

"I can't. You're great. I think you're all great but I can't," I managed.


"Because. Well I don't know Zayn but I can't because of Harry."

"Harry isn't you're father, you can make your own decisions," he said almost leaning in.

"Zayn, stop. I love Harry," I said stepping away.

"Zayn what are you doing?" Harry asked  walking over.

Zayn annoyingly rolled his eyes as he did a 360 spin.

"Were you trying to kiss her?" Harry slightly yelled.

"No. I asked her out," he replied truthfully.

"You did what?"

"She said you weren't a thing. I didn't think she belonged to you bro," he laughed.

"That's not cool man," Liam said.

      Zayn laughed it off. I looked over to see Harry's anger building up slowly but quickly. I've never seen him like this. His chest was pounding in and out of his shirt, which was completely attractive, but now wasn't the time.

I quickly placed both my hands on his face, "Hey look at me, it's okay. Let's go inside." His green eyes pierced into mine slightly calming him. I took his hand as I led him into a empty room in the house.

Harry's POV

     I was angry. I usually never get this angry but this? I'm pissed off! How could Zayn try to make a move on Jayda when he knows how much I fucking care about her. My thoughts angrily built up as Jayda led me into an empty room closing the door.

"Calm down please," she said softly.

"I can't! Zayn is entirely out of line, so how about I put him back," I snapped.

"Okay Harry stop. This isn't you," she said, grabbing my arms.

"I'm so mad. Why would he make a move on you Jayda, he knows how much I like you. I tell him every fucking day."

She looked at me with understanding eyes.

"I know this isn't me but this is me when it comes to you, I care for you a lot. I can't," I sighed

"I told him I loved you," she said, rubbing on my arms.

That made me calm down. My eyes were watery from my anger and frustration. It hurt me, but she was calming me.

"What he did was wrong, but nothing happened and you guys will talk it out. I'm still here with you, not Zayn," she smiled, looking into my eyes.

"I love you, I just don't want to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere, I love you Harry Edward Styles."

My eyes lit up. The way she held my arms, the way she touched me, the way she looked into my eyes, the way she stole my heart. I'm in love with Jayda, I know that now.

I leaned in and kissed her right on the lips. She was a bit nervous at first but then she quickly kissed back. Her lips were soft and persistent against mine, which made our first kiss absolutely prominent.

   I pulled back looking into her eyes, as she did the same. She smiled as her head fell into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight, not letting go.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"I'm ready to go wherever you go," she replied.

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