chapter 3 ♡

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hey guys! chapter 3 here. please read,vote,fan,and comment me:)

Chapter 3:

(Alice's P.O.V.)

"No!" Harry exclaimed, "you are such a cheater!" I stepped back from the pool table, crossing my arms and giving him a sassy look. "There is no way,whatsoever that you-" he began, only to be cut off by Anne's familiar little voice. "Hey guys!" we heard her yell, only to be followed by her head popping around the corner. She stopped and looked between me and Harry, who had an angry look plastered on his face. "Competitive game?" she guessed. I smiled, "Yes, what game isn't with him?' "This is true," she added.

"well anywho, dinner is on the table!" and she was gone. We both stood there for a moment, and slowly turned to look at each other. Our eyes met and I shoved him over a bit and bolted towards the stairs, racing to get dinner first like we always had as children.

I was almost to the top of the stairs when Harry grabbed me with both hands and went around me, turning into the kitchen and grabbing a plate. I followed in behind him, casually in defeat. "Robin and I are going out tonight, we won't be home until after midnight," she began. "Gemma is at Hannah's for the night, and Harry I want the dishes done when I get home," she finished and went up stairs.

we took our plates of food to the kitchen table, his plate significantly more full than mine, of course this was normal. we ate in silence and I could help but to notice the baby face Harry still had, the same one he wore all through middle school. He had just turned 17 four months ago. It wasn't until this moment that I caught myself REALLY considering my life if I dated Harry.

"See you later, kiddos!" a deep, booming voice interrupted my thoughts. A voice that could only belong to Robin, Harry's step-father.

I looked down, my long brown waves covering my ocean green eyes and growing-red face, embarrassed by my own thoughts.

Robin came down the last few steps, with Anne following close behind him. "Bye mum!" Harry exclaimed, jumping from his seat. "Love you! Be safe! Don't make it to late!" He added, imitating Anne herself on nights that Harry would go out with his friends.

She peeled Harry off of her, "See you guys later, and Alice watch Harry for me," she winked at me and they left, leaving me and Harry with the house to ourselves.


oooooooo clifhanger...... i know you all love me :) haha you will have to wait for the next chapter to find out what's going to happen.

Voila La chapter 3 is finished *bows*

ahaha you read that with a french accent didn't you?;) heheh me and my cheeky ways :) * massive grin*

well thank you for reading! vote,fan,comment!!!! thanks!!! love ya:)

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