chapter 4 ♡

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Hiya!!!! Here is Le chapter 4..jk jk not yet i have a very very very very very very..... great massively secret to tell you! ready?....... are you ready now..... here goes nothing Hi! that's the secret!!! told ya it was great;) anywho on to the story.....

chapter 4:

(Alice's P.O.V.)

We finished our dinner without saying much, he stood up and picked up both my plate and his and tool them to the sink. I remained seated at the dinner table while Harry did the dishes. As I was waiting, Harry's cat Dusty jumped up onto the table in front of me, wanting to be pet.

"Wow Haz doesn't seem like you give your pussy much attention," I joked. He turned to look at me with a puzzled look on his face with quickly turned to that kind of kid on Christmas morning when he saw Dusty, his childhood cat, on the table in front of me.

He finished the dishes quickly and ran over with a creepy grin on his face. "Don't touch my pussy like that," he said, taking Dusty away from me and walking down to the basement. I followed behind him through the room in the basement but he darted into his room and locked the door behind him. I sighed and sat on the arm of the couch until Harry walked out of his room a few moments later empty handed.

"Where'd you put the cat?" I asked him. "What cat?" he replied. I shoved him out of the way, making my way into his room. I could hear the cat meowing and scarthcing somewhere.

I stopped and listened and Harry stepped into the room laughing and wathcing me. I gave him a dirty look and opened the door. Dusty ran out and under Harry's legs, going upstairs somewhere to hide. I didn't blame her.

Harry could be such a child. I sat and stared at him blankly as he stifled back giggles. "Grow up Harry," I said, rolling my eyes. I walked past him back into the game room/basement, and he followed behind me. "So, it's Saturday night," he began.

I stopped and turned to look at him. "Well this should be good," I said, "continue." He said nothing, but walked towards the bar where his parents kept all their liquor. He picked up a bottle and grinned at me. "Let's get drunk!" I face palmed myself in the face. "Haz.. I see why your mum likes me here to watch you." I sat for a moment and thought about it.

What could it hurt? He was right it was Saturday night and we had nothing to do with the house to ourselves. "Let's do it." I said. He cheered and pulled out two glasses and started mixing some drinks.


A/N- And this ladies and gentle men was Le chapter 4!!!! hahaha olala what's going to happen? weeeeeelllll you will have to find out;)








sorrryy that was sooooooooooooooooooooo random!!! hahah loveeeee ya'll:) vote,fan,comment!

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