24. Realisation

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Satvik's POV:

After a month our parents got married and Yashvi and her Mom moved in with us.

I and Yashvi got to hang out more.

My family was complete now, I could not be more happy!

One evening, Yashvi made all of us sit in the living room.

"Say it quick, my blood pressure is increasing!", said Mom worriedly interrupting her for the fifth time.

"Come on Meera! How is she gonna say anything if you'll keep interrupting her?.... You continue honey!", Dad said.

"So..... a few weeks back I applied for this school named St. Xavier University..... it is one of the best schools in the world.... and... today I got an email saying that I am selected.", Yashvi said.

We all stood up and mom said on behalf of us, "What?! Oh my God! Congratulations!"

Mom hugged her but Yashvi's expressions didn't change.

She broke the hug and said, "There is something else I have to say..."

We all looked at her confused because she looked tensed.

"This school is... in California!", Yashvi said.

"What? Are you crazy? That's too far!.... No.... No..... No... I'm not sending you there in any condition!", Mom said.

"Mom please.... I really wanna go!", Yashvi said.

"Yashvi you are just 17!! How are you going to manage all by yourself in a whole different country?!", Mom said worriedly.

Dad and I just quietly watched.

"Mom, don't worry! I can take care of myself! .... Also I have already talked to Vijay Uncle so I'm going to be staying at his house with his family..... So you don't have to worry at all!.... Please just say yes...!", Yashvi said trying to convince Mom.

Mom took a long sigh and said, "I need to talk to your Dad first!".

And with that both Mom and Dad left.

I sat next to Yashvi on the sofa.

"Don't worry! It's difficult for them to take such a big decision!... But I am sure they'll understand!", I said patting her shoulder.

"I hope so!", she said.

Mom and Dad finally said yes and we all left for California.

There we had a lot of fun. It's such an amazing place!

Yashvi started going to school. After making sure that Yashvi was all settled, Dad decided to go back.

At night during dinner Vijay Uncle said, "Why don't you guys stay a little longer?"

"No... we are really sorry but there is a lot of work at office.... also Satvik has school so.... we won't be able to stay!", Dad said.

"Ok! I'll let you go on one condition?", Vijay Uncle said.

"What?", Mom asked curiously.

"If you promise.... you'll come back!", he said and everyone laughed.

"Absolutely!....", Dad said.

After dinner I sat alone in the garden near the swimming pool with my legs in the water.

"Hey! You are here and I have been searching for you everywhere!", Yashvi said sitting next to me.

"What's wrong?", she asked.

I looked at her face and said, "I'm gonna miss you!"

She took a sigh and said, "I'm gonna miss you too! I'm sorry!..... And always remember.... I'm just one call away!"

I looked deeply into her eyes for a few minutes and hugged her.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes until she broke the hug and said, "Let's go and sleep..... we have to wake up early tomorrow!"

"Call me everyday!.... Take care of yourself!..... Don't drink cold water!..... Don't bother your uncle and aunty much!.....", Mom said standing at the airport.

"Yes Mom! Understood! Now go otherwise you are going to miss your flight!", Yashvi said.

Mom hugged her tightly and one by one we all hugged each other and left.

As I turned around and started walking, I felt a little pain in my chest.

It felt like I was leaving behind something very precious and important to me.

I turned around to look at Yashvi only to find her waving her hand, saying goodbye.

She had a smile on her lips, I don't know why but I didn't smiled back and turned around.

The whole flight, I could not stop thinking about Yashvi. I felt so sad and confused.

When I reached home I sat alone in my room and cried.

This is where it started, I felt I had lost the most important person in my life, something triggered and I ended up falling for her in her absence.

Falling for her, my now "stepsister"!!!

I was extremely sad, confused, lonely, and a lot of things I didn't understand.

I would go into her room and just breath, take in her scent that was left behind.

I knew that I couldn't fell like this so I suppressed the feelings, but I was already too backed up.

When ever she came back to visit that cycle would repeat and I would suppress them again.

Eventually she was too busy to visit and I could keep my emotions buried for several months.

Then she returned home for Diwali and I was absolutely triggered. I had absolutely NO idea what to do, I was at my limit again.

My feelings for her were stronger then they have ever been for anybody, even Raadha.

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