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Joshua's POV

As I arrived at the supermarket.I rushingly went inside and bought every lemons,leaving nothing behind.
I payed it all and then immediately went out.

While pulling the keys on my pocket I accidentally bumped into someone.

She almost fell and was about to be hit by a car but I hurriedly grabbed her hand and dropped the bag of lemons beside.

We both fell aside as I realized that I'm on top of her.
"I'm sorry Miss..are you okay?" I asked as I helped her stood up.

She dusted herself as she faced me.
"Yeah.. I'm fine thanks to you^^"

Our eyes met, I stopped for a moment as I realized whom I am talking to.

Her voice,her eyes,her lips,her smile.
I can't be wrong.

"Y..Y/n?" I asked as a smile appeared on my lips.

Because of excitement,I hugged her without a doubt.
"Y/n!I miss you.."I said.

I was surprised when she suddenly apiose from my hug.

"I'm sorry but,how did you know my name?By any chance..have we met before?" she asked and act like we didn't even know each other.

The smile on my face faded as I heard those words.
"You..don't know me?" I asked back as she shook her head.

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