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Joshua's POV

I woke up in my bed.
I escorted Y/n last night through her dorm.
I remembered what we did yesterday, making me smile suddenly.

I was about to stand up but then I fell down.

"Ugh-..w-what's happening to me?"
I looked at my hands that is now slowly fading.

Is it too late?Am I really fading?

The only one that came into my mind is Y/n.
So I force my body to stand even though I am weakening.

I manage to get out my unit as I find my car on the parking lot.

But suddenly,my vision started to get blurry and it's making me fall down on the ground.

No.. I don't want to leave her..again.

All of a sudden, I heard someone calling my name.

Y/n ran through me as she bent down on the ground and placed my head on her lap.

"No,no,no..this can't be.."she cried.
"Y/n.." I weakly said.
"No! Joshua please don't leave.."

It hurts to see her cry in front of me.

"This is all my fault."she blamed.
"Y-you don't h-have to blame yourself Y/n.We didn't know this would happen."I explain as I struggle.

"No, please.."
she hugged me tightly as I keep on fading.

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