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Joshua's POV

I entered the kitchen as I saw Mingyu cutting some ingredients.

"You're early today huh.." I said as I keep on walking toward my office.

"Yes chef^^"
He's in charge of the cutting part with Jay.

We're actually quite a lot here but I manage to know who they are since I treat them as my own family.

As I entered my office,I sat down on my desk and checked the reservation for 150 people today with four course meal.

"This is going to be a rough day.." I said to myself as I went to the restroom to wear my uniform.

A moment later and then some of my workers arrived.

"Sorry we're late chef" Sana said.
"You're just in the right timing,now go ahead and wear your uniforms."they did as I said.

As costumers started to fill the tables we started to prepare some dishes.

"Okay, let's do this guys!"I cheered all of us.
"Yes, Chef!!"they all responded.

Then a moment later...

"Service!" I announced.
"Service!!" They all said.

Yujin, Woonyoung,and Chaeyeon went over to serve the first course.

In the middle of cooking,

"Chef!we are running out of lemons!" Jay said making me stop and looked at him.

The lemon is the main ingredient of every dish.I have to do something.

I looked around to see if anyone is vacant but all of them are busy doing their part.

I had no choice so I ran outside the kitchen.

"Mingyu!take my place while I'll buy some lemons!"I shouted as I continued my way out the restaurant.

I entered on my car as I drove away to the supermarket.

This is my life now,and I started to fit in well.

While driving, my eyes caught the cotton candy stand beside, that reminds me of someone.

How is she right now?..

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