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Y/n's POV

I looked at my wrist watch and noticed that it was already 7:30 and I didn't even got home yet.

While still standing there a thought suddenly went inside my mind.
I remembered the face of the guy at the hallway earlier.

The guy with that peach/light orange hair.

"I think I saw him already but..where?"

He was just so familiar but I can't tell who he was.

There's no students left inside the university.I let out a deep sigh as I decided to just run my way home.

"Three..two..one-"I was about to run but then someone pulled my hand making me glanced at who it was.

As we both faced each other, I realized that it was the guy earlier.

We both stared at each other for a moment and then I looked away as reality hits me.

"You can't run through this heavy rain."he said.

His cold attitude is making the atmosphere colder.

He pulled out his umbrella behind and he opened it.

I was just standing there staring at him speechlessly.

"Come on.."he said as I stepped closer to him.

We started walking down the pathway that leads to my unit.

A silent atmosphere was in between the both of us.

I secretly took a peek at him and stare at him for a moment but when he noticed me I immediately looked away.It's really awkward.

"Uhh, I'm sorry for the way I acted to you earlier.."I apologized.

But his eyes are fixed on the way.

While we're walking, a sudden wind  by a truck passing,made our umbrella flew away.

"Oh- no,no,no!"I said as the umbrella went away leaving the both of us wet.

He pulled me in to the bus stop and we both sat there.

"How are we gonna get home.."
I mumbled.

I was surprised when the guy suddenly stood up.

Where is he going?

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